I work as a mail clerk at a company, I get lots of compliments, I am known for being a hard worker, but lately a co-worker of mine has been telling me some people (didn';t give names) think I'm a "goof", meaning I have made some dumb mistakes on the job. For example : One time I was going to be out for 3 days, I made the mistake of emailing the entire company that.....
And he said personnel "laughed at me".....if they laughed at me, how come they say hi to me every time I see them?
Also, I guess they might have said it because I would get things, materials at a warehouse and sometimes bring the wrong things back.......
The thing is, this same guy keeps telling me "don't stay here for more than 5 years, you probably won't move up" and stuff like that.....and I told him the truth. I am a college grad who has his own career aspirations and this is the job I like that I can support myself with and pay the bills.
But yesterday, and today he said "You can make more money"