
Ladies Would You Feel Betrayed By Your Gynecologist If..?

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I've been seeing the same gynecologist since I was 13 years old. I had a lot of trouble with my period at that age. I'm now 28. Five years ago I was having severe pelvic pain. My gynecologist sent me to the doctor for a pelvic ultrasound and a vaginal probe to figure out what was going on. She told me everything was okay. I just had an infection of the uterus and ovaries. She gave me medication to treat that. Last year I had my pap done. I expressed a concern of HPV. I found out that my ex boyfriend had unprotected s*x with 8 women. The condom broke during intercourse that we had. I had a full STD screening other than HPV. My gynecologist said that she would screen me for HPV when she done my pap smear. She said that everything was okay when the results came back. Last week I received a copy of medical records that I requested for insurance purposes. In my records it stated when I had the ultrasound that I had a small hemmorgic cyst on my left ovary. She said it was nothing more than an infection of the uterus and ovaries. Then I found out that the lab didn't have enough specimen from my pap to do the HPV test. Yet she said it was fine. I didn't have HPV. This came from my gynecologist. One of the best in my state. Someone I've trusted for 15 years. What would you do? Would you confront her? How would this make you feel? Thanks ladies.




  1. i'd be so upset  if i found that out though there must be some reason why she never mentioned it. i would definitely get a second opinion.  

  2. she's ur docter not ur friend. approach her about it as if there were no history between u 2

  3. It sounds like it's your Boyfriend you should be angry at, not your Dr.  He is the untrustworthy one.

    P.S.  condoms do not necessarily prevent HPV (genital warts).

  4. Having a cyst on your ovary is part of pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), which is an infection of the uterus and ovaries.  So I discern nothing wrong there.  You don't say how you found out the lab didn't have enough specimen to do the HPV test.  Of course, the test should be rerun.  Insist on it, you're the patient, and you're paying for it.

  5. First, request an appointment with her to discuss what you've written here. Find out her side of the story.  Bring a tape recorder with you.  If your concerns aren't addressed to your satisfaction, then I would proceed with finding an attorney.

    I don't agree with frivolous law suits at all, but in your case, I would definitely sue for malpractice!  

  6. I had the same issue with my doctor. I first notified my insurance company-claims department and informed them that a certain test had been done and you would like to know if the doctor was paid for it, ask for certainty if they paid a lab/doc. for the HPV-this may be insurance fraud. I am hoping it will not come to this and you and your doctor can work things out, I could not with mine.

    I would set up an appointment with your doctor, take all of your papers with you, ask her to review with you the results of the u/s of the pelvis and vaginal probe-see what she says, ask her about the pap screening & results of the HPV which you had done-see what she says-now if she says something different to what she told you the first time this is the time to confront her, bring out your paper work and result of the information which you received from the insurance company and ask her to explain herself. Then I would simply tell her that you feel that the doctor/patient relationship has been compromised and that you would like to have all of medical records and let her know you will be looking for a new doctor and you will be putting in a complaint to the Medical Board. Keep calm, stand firm and get your stuff and peacefully walk out of her office.

    That is what I did when I found out my doctor of 14 years was to give me an A & P repair when I had my hysterectomy-he said he did got paid for it and at my 6 week check up I asked him why my bladder was hanging out of the vaginal cavity-he tells him he forgot to do the A & P repair. Best of luck to you , it is a difficult situation.

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