
Ladies: Would you marry a man who couldn't offer you anything more than his love?

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Keep in mind he's broke, he has no car, he can't take you out to eat, or buy you nice things, he can barely afford the clothes he's wearing. Women tend to want stability in a man, protection, and success. So ladies if you met a man such as what is described above, would you still date him to the point of marriage?




  1. Sorry to say but , no.

    Unfortunately we can' t live on air .  If a guy doesn't have anything what and how does he imagine his relationship to last god forbid marriage. that relationship will never last , there would be lots of aggrivations and uhappiness. i know money isn't everything but to that extent is bad.

    The guy needs to seriously wake up and start making some money.

    Good luck

  2. no, in a marrage you take care of eachother, but I learned the hard way that you cant have a great life and relationship if you cant take care of yourself first. Girls should be the least of this persons problems... how about getting a job for starters?

  3. It depends really, you know you are all these things which is fair enough and sure you could probably fall in love with you but the only way that someone could marry you is if they knew you were trying to change, like get a job?

  4. Only if I was back in puppy love times. But at my age, Heck No.

  5. Depends whether he understands that he should... change. As long as he knows that the world we're living in today can't be lived without all of those things, and he tries to...(can't think of the right word here, someone fill me in!)

    basically if he does understand I wouldn't mind as long as he had it in him.

  6. no.  there's loads of those guys holding cans....i wouldnt touch 'em with a 10 foot pole.  and amazingly enough, theyre all still single.  hehe

  7. Only if I didn't want children.

    It's alright for adults to live like that, but unfair to expect children to as well.  

  8. If he could love me unconditionally, give me security in that I will always have him and he made me feel safe, wanted and loved then yes.

    It would be a hard match, that's for sure. But if I loved him I would :)

  9. If he makes me feel comfortable,safe, loved and beautiful and if he loves me then yes.

  10. Women want stability, protection, and success because generally marriage brings babies and they need all those things.

    Even in the animal kingdom, the female will accept the strongest male.

    Someone who could not provide those things would not be a good prospect for marriage.

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