
Ladies - Would you shave your head bald for a children's cancer charity event to raise money?

by  |  earlier

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We are planning on doing this event this summer for the Michigan Children's Leukemia Foundation.




  1. how much money would be raised? i would shave my head if atleast $1000 was being donated

  2. NO.  Look for other ways to raise money.  Be imaginative, adventourous, and you'll be surprised what you come up with.

  3. Yes, I would ... I'm older and have permed hair that I'm in the process of growing long again now that I don't get hot flashes any more, but I would shave my head and even have my picture taken (which I don't like AT ALL) for the children who have cancer ... but I live in Seattle, and doubt my head would get much money from your donors.  I'll do a search and send some moeny to you though ... I hope that helps.

  4. Eh............

    oh wow....



  5. i wouldn't shave my head completly but i would definitly donate some of my hair  : )

  6. I would when i'm older but not now, i'm only a teen right now.

  7. very good question!

    I know I would..but I'm a guy..

  8. i could never do that..i would donate it if i had enought to still have har on my head..but i could never do so horrible

  9. Its a real popular thing but I wonder if the money really goes to improving survival rates

  10. I would do it in a heart beat if it was to help a sick child.  It's only hair it will grow back.  

    And good on you for wanting to do it!

  11. It depends on how much it would raise...

    but yes

  12. What cho' talkin bout Willis

  13. well i wouldn't shave it ALL off but i will cut it to like my shoulders. my hair is up to my knees BC of my family tradition we ALL have Long hair but i have the shortes lol anyway ,its just hair it could grow back and u are savin someones life

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