
Ladies and Gentleman what do you think about Israel's way of fighting global warming?

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If you will be as so kind to read the short article's link that I have provided. I think it is the only way to curtail the oil industry and to stop the unnecessary drilling that destroys the environment.




  1. idk

  2. This sounds like a great idea it sounds like they are talking about interchangable battery packs which gets around one of the main problems of waiting  for a recharge.

    Given the location (year round sun) and the number of charging stations thay are talking about, solar should be able to supply most of the power, this of couse would not be ordinary solar cells but the large industrial mirror units which are far more efficent than solar cells but far more expensive, way beyond the home user. This technology already exists and is about to be used in Australia to power a whole town.

  3. it's a good idea.

  4. How are they going to generate the electricity to charge the cars?  If it's from fossil fuels then this is a bad idea, unless they are also going big into carbon recapture technology.  If you did a calculation of the surface area you would need for solar collectors, it's probably a very large number and they're going to need to retake the Sinai.  So that leaves nuclear as the only viable alternative.  I have nothing against nuclear, but it will be seen by the Arab world as a little unfair (to say the least) to allow Israel to develop a huge domestic nuclear energy program while sanctioning Iran for the same thing.  

    The bottom line we all are going to have to face is that our current industrial lifestyles are unsustainable.  Electric cars, carbon credits, carbon recapture technology are ways for corporations to profit off of the problem, but they do not address the core issue of unsustainability.  What we need to do is recognize it is possible (and necessary) for us to lead happy, productive, full lives while consuming far far less per capita in terms of natural resources.  

    Oh wait, I'm talking about restricting the freedom to consume.  Bad gcnp.  Bad bad gcnp.  John Stossel would hate me.

  5. I think it is a way to make (save) money, not to fight global warming.

    You don't know my people.

  6. Funny, the writer does not mention "global warming" or "climate change anywhere in the article.  It looks like an imitative to ween themselves off oil.

  7. thats not to fight global warming, its not to fight anything... its just so they have another reliable source of energy

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