
Ladies and Gentlemen how difficult is it for us to think about ourselves as humans and then a man or a woman?

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What are we doing here it almost is childishness isnt it?

Apart from a few physical characteritics more specifically our reproductive organs is there really really such a great divide ?

Are we like men are from mars and women from venus which means plantes apart?




  1. Largely, men and women are different. We think and feel differently. That doesn't make one better than the other. Yes we are all human but we should also enjoy our differences. I like being a woman and am proud to be a woman just as I think a man should enjoy being a man and be proud to be a man. We are the same in some ways and very different in others. So I think of myself as a person but also as a woman.

  2. Men are much more egalitarian than women.

  3. we are different mate and I don't know why people think that is such a bad thing if you are born male your experience of the world (nothing to do with culture) will be quite different than if you are born female.

    Your drives and desires are different as well as we are all innately programed by nature to fulfill a role.

  4. Why is it difficult to think of ourselves as mammals and not just humans?

  5. I do think it's silly.

    But I think it has to do with how people were brought up and conditioned early in life.  My parents made it a point to raise me to be a person who can do anything if she puts her mind to it.  They didn't say, "You're a girl, lemme pick that up for you".  S%%%.  Mine said, "Go get that and bring it here".  Yes ma'am, Yes sir.

    But then there are some people who were raised to think that if they're a girl or if they're a boy that they have to conform to a certain mold.  My parents said f888 the mold.  It was all about setting goals, and working hard to get them.  If the goal at the time was to learn how to throw a hot Spiral, they supported that.  And if the goal was to learn how to use my manner and etiquette better, they trained me up.  It didn't matter.  I feel blessed that I was raised to be a person first.

  6. I also think that this whole fight is stupid; men vs. women. we're all people and that's all that should matter. Unfortunately due to human nature, equality (in the subject of gender) will be pretty much impossible. Equality is such a simple concept but achieving it will be extremely complicated due to the way some of us think. Some people have been taught by their ancestors that their gender is better than the other from past experience (this is for men and women) so when they teach their children that concept from a young age, they will pick it up and it will become apart of the way they think which keeps them from helping to create gender equality. I wish equality was possible so I'll keep peacefully fighting for it but it's going to be difficult.

  7. I think it is pretty easy actually.

  8. I used to hold that men and women were mostly alike and had few real differences only the ones that society told us to have. Then I started working with toddlers. Two and three year old kids have absolutely no pretense. They are who they are all the time.I say a lot of very different behaviors and tendencies. little girls usually did do a lot of playing with dolls and dress up and talked much earlier and were neater. they also held onto hurt feelings much longer. boys usually tended to play blocks and cars and hit more and talk later. but they moved on from conflict much more quickly. I did have boys who played with dolls and girls who played with cars. but often the timing on when certain behaviors occurred was different and a general way of interacting with the world tends to be different for boys and girls. in the end, the older we get, the more we want the same things. but I think than men and women have different perspectives, complimentary talents. If we remind ourselves that we can compliment rather than compete we might just be able to come together as human beings rather than dividing ourselves into boys and girls.

  9. Honestly "In Search" Many of the women in here (including myself) have said the same thing. I'm a firm believer in the saying "when you point the finger you have three more pointing back at you". So I will admit any guilt on my behalf for this behavior. But if you take a survey of the majority of the questions and answers being seen in this forum alone, I would put forward a guestimate of at least 30 to 50% of the negativity being preached in this forum is from the male visitors against women. And they're such regulars that we know them all by user name (as a matter a fact, people reading this answer can think of a few of them off top). And I will admit, I in the past have allowed their ranting and BS to get the best of me causing me to stoop to their level of stupidity. I've even tried to communicate and hold a civilized conversation with a few of them off line from Answers only to be called out my name, criticized, accused of bullying and being labeled as (oh my god, hold your @$$ for this one) A FEMINIST! (Gasp!) All because I've tried to be humble, incorporate a woman’s logic into some reasoning while reaching out to them and trying to get some of them to see things from a woman’s perspective.

    Even though we are human, we at times do see differently on certain touchy topics like equal rights, abortion, relationships/marriage, and family. But instead of trying to reason with one another on these issues, we place blame, find fault and ridicule others. Never taking the time to look at ourselves and see what contributions we donate to the very problems we complain about between the sexes. Most of the men and some of the women in this forum don't realize how childish they make themselves sound at times, because they're so blinded by their 'tunnel vision' of what they believe the opposite s*x to be. And it's not they've had a personal encounter with every woman or man in the worlds, it's not that they've taking the time to sit down with every man and woman and see if they match the stereotypes that have been placed upon them at birth. Their opinions of others are based on the few people in their lives who fit the mug shot of the culprits they have grievances with. Men are no better a species then women, a woman’s life has no more value than a mans. If either of the sexes is cut, they will both bleed blood of the same color. We have the same internal organs; the only thing that separates us is the reproductive systems we’ve been blessed with to create life.

    And the last time I checked, no one’s constitutional rights haven't been trampled based on s*x (unless you bring in subject of same s*x marriage, then that’s a whole different argument).  I see so many people come in here, wasting time finding tech manuals and forgein news articles to back their arguments that all women are feminist, working hard towards the destruction of men, and that all men are no good and will be the demise of mother earth. Get over it people! I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again, no one man or woman is better than the next! Women are not working hard to take away a mans rights. We’re not trying to take jobs away from the common man, we’re not trying to take away from his man-hood (We want you men to be men and take care of home; Because of the fact that some of you are not handling your responsibility is the reason why we have to step up and take your place). This causes a lot of women (or single mom’s) to seek employment in jobs that are high risk with higher pay and better benefits (and are considered traditionally male). They complain about a single mother drawing government assistance and how she needs to get a job. But just as long as it’s not a job that you personally feel she shouldn’t work. So they would rather see her bus tables as a waitress all hours of the day and night, with little or no pay and benefits (because that’s traditionally female) and not be able to spend time raising her kids because she’s always at work trying to make ends meet; vs. being a police officer (which doesn’t pay much by the way) that may assist her with a higher education and benefits for her kids (because that’s traditionally male).  Some say they want us to stay at home and raise children (or stay in a woman’s place) but they like it when we’re smart and can speak and think for ourselves (which is what first wave feminism fought for us to have the right the do) The very same thing some of these men feel are tearing the moral fabric of America apart. They say “all women” are at fault for a lot the things gone wrong in the world, but feminist are waging a war that they can not (and will not) win. So they’re gaining ground at the demise of men, but they’ve failed at everything they’ve tried. They want us to dress more traditionally “feminine” but like to see women half dressed. It just shows that a lot of the men in here really do not know what they want to complain about when it comes to women. The problem lies in the fact that they’re confused about women, and don’t know how to deal with them. So they therapeutically “trash” women as a way of helping them feel better about the fact that they don’t have a woman in their lives, or they have problems talking to women, or maybe even perhaps they long to truly be a woman.

    I just sometimes wonder, how do they view their mothers? Do they talk about their sisters, aunts, and female cousins this way? Do they say the same things they say to us to their grandmothers?  Do they even have girlfriends or wives? And if they do how do they treat them? There’s a lot to be said about the way the bickering and disputes transpire between the sexes, and a lot of (the vast majority) the bicker is an end product of the outrageous and ridiculously outlandish postings and answers brought forward by the majority of the male posters who purposely “shark” this forum.

  10. I don't see why we have to give up our male/female characteristics to be human...

    There are many scientific studies which suggest that men and women's brains are wired differently. But I don't think that means we can't be valued equally.

    Being proud of our male/female traits shouldn't stop us being treated as human beings. :)

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