
Ladies and Gentlemen is it possible for a woman to perceived based on her merits rather than her gender today?

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Feminism the great undoing of the patriarchy has accomplished so much in so less a time or has it really?

Is it possible for a woman to be taken seriously today in the workplace or earn respect based on her merits alone?

How many career woman can actually say this in true honesty???




  1. quite possible (and frequent), yes :-)

  2. Yes, actually, I think it is.  But that would very much depend upon the woman herself, and her attitude.  If she approaches everything with a chip on her shoulder and her feminist flag waving in the wind, then it would be hard to decifer whether her accolades are a result of truly good work or out of a twisted need for PC.

    If, however, she approaches her work or task as anyone else would and doesn't make gender an issue, it is easy to recognize the good work based upon merit alone...

  3. yes it is, in this country at least, i really don't get why gender and race was such a big deal in the recent american elections

  4. as a woman working in the software industry, i have to say what has been said before -- a woman can do anything a man can -- she just... has to work harder.

    but unlike the women who work harder, i do not work harder.

    but everyone has challenges. poor people have challenges rich people do not have. handicapped have challenges.

    i find men always want to push me onto the front-end. they give me work to make pretty pictures and move buttons around the screen. it is hard for me to get the engeineering/architecture jobs i am interested in. instead of going with the flow, i have to swim against the current. women who make pretty pictures in Photoshop make just as much money as men who do databases, but for silly femminist reasons, i wanna do databases. so swimming against this current, i make less money than i could have been making if i just did Photoshop.

    can i get to seneor software engineer if i worked hard? yes.

    i'm just a bit too lazy to swim that hard against the current. i'd rather just answer yahoo answers here than work that hard! so while sexism discourages me, my own motivation is what keeps me where i am instead of going further.

    a man can just fulfill expectations and rise, a woman has to fight expectations to rise. at least in software, and i imagine, in math and science it would be the same thing.

    but i STILL make more money than most of them men i met on, and THAT causes problems with men, because they feel threatened if they found out i make more money than they do!

    even a junior programmer makes more money than most other jobs the men i met have done!

  5. Women have always understood their value.  However, males have continued to try to suppress these strengths in females.  And yes, the existing attitude of our population is one that accepts that females are equally contributive in mental provisions.  There is a certain group of members that resent the ability of females.  But these are members of an increasing diminishing national population. Some males will continue to be threatened by the ability of  some females because they feel threatened by the loss of their power.

  6. Certain women have always commanded respect.  Certain men, too.  Corporate America has been sexually intergated for several decades now, except on top management level and that's changing rapidly because corporate research all over the world finds less cost and greater profits with females than with males, that the more women on a Board of Directors, for example, the more profitable is the company, as even reported here on Yahoo News.  I am a member of two corporate boards besides my own, one in Japan and one in Hong Kong, and four non-profits.  

    In this global economy with it's global job market, if not where you live, the rest of corporate-greedy-piggy-profits-land is HIGHLY interested in new research coming out about how much more profitable female employees are in the long-run and a currently emerging international preference in the global job market for female employees is based partly on those new trends.  I stay very informed about such employment trends due to my educational product line for global job agencies.  

    In a world that measures it's profits above all else, females are beginning to command MUCH more respect in the workforce than do men.  I'm not saying I support that.  And, I work on educational approaches to better prepare both males and females for employment in the emerging global job market. But, men need to be aware of these employment trends.  

    Also, women do command great respect in leadership all over the world.   The all-female top leadership in New Zealand has proven to be one of the most successful modern governmental administrations in history, completely turning around a highly corrupt "good ole boy" economy and receiving Transparency International's award for "Least Corrupt" national government.  Our Eleanor Roosevelt commanded enormous respect for her contributions to forming the original U.N. and the Universal Declarations of Human Rights.  The people, regardless of genitalia, who choose to fight for human rights are society's true leaders.

    Women, of course, hobbled by backward acculturations, patriarchal oppression, educational lock-outs or lack of opportunity and poverty . . .women who are raised to think they are only good for s*x and housework or that her "class" or "caste" defines who they as individuals are "allowed" to be and does not allow them to rise into their true and natural self-determined potential . . . they are never going to command any respect whatsoever on any Board of Directors or ever get paid what the women on those boards get paid most respectfully.

    What goes around comes around in how we nurture, or not, the women in our own families and communities.  We don't get back anything more from each new generation than exactly what we put good and healthy into their childhoods and rational upbringing.   It's about looking at the chickens in your dirt yard and then looking in the sky as the space shuttle roars by and then asking yourself which world a good man would think is proper to prepare the young women and men in his family and community to succeed in in this new global economy and global job market.  But, on the otherhand, we'll always need food servers and people to clean the toilets and be our "politically correct" modern form of slave, I guess.

  7. In an effort to eleminate stereotyping and discrimination based on gender, Society has focused excessively on gender/race and made it a focal point for defining social interaction

    Way to go society, nice job

  8. Of course it is possible for a women to be perceived based on merits and not that she has female genitalia.  Sadly enough as Tracey said it is all in the eye of the perceiver. Anyone can be viewed as getting their job because of gender but those people refuse to look at merit as that would defeat their original decisions of who she is.

    I think that feminism has accomplished a lot of great things.  However I do not believe in affirmative action and I think it is sad that for gender and race to be taken serious we needed a law to do so.  I think that to many people focus on these issues and we get distracted from what is really important.  We are all people and we are all good and something and deserve the chance to explore that.

    We can all say "in true honesty" that it is possible for women to be perceived by their merits and not their gender.  However the reality of whether it will ever happen is dependent on all of us.

  9. How is this even a serious question. Does this section get a lot of trolls? I'm lost.

  10. One Day, at Kipling's home in Sussex

    he read to Edward W, Bok, his latest poem,

    and in its conclusion said ;

    You can never publish that ,

    The ladies home journal.]

    Sisters would break  all your Windows,,,

    with the Stones they would Fire at you,,,

    You wouldn't  have  a Whole pane left'']

      THE POEM,,

    WAS  [[THE FEMALE  of the  Species *

       MAMA  MIA  *

      never play  with  [U,S,  GIRLS *

    [[THE TRUTH *..

  11. It rather depends on whether the person perceiving her is a sexist or not, doesn't it?

    Edit: You said, "being taken seriously in the workplace," Genius, not "being taken seriously for a prospective job." Logic is not your strong point, is it?

  12. God I hope so. I don't work my azz off for nothing!

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