
Ladies and Gentlemen is this the greatest example that a fraction within a group can never represent it?

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There are generalizations from every where but when someone takes an initiative like this shouldnt it be respected and lauded?

Please check this question:;_ylt=AiboHp5sWrOoocBHQqTXcGTsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20080705112912AAXflEV&show=7#profile-info-onvLc6OMaa

This is indeed a contradiction to all feminists being labelled as anti men and proves that just like a percentage of the male gender there is a percentage of female gender that esposes gender hatred and unipolarism.

This is an eye opener for me personally and what is commendable is the fact that the lady is a feminist and major in womens studies.

Do we need more of these examples here on GWS very badly also a request to all old timers here to please respond ?

What do you all say?




  1. "This is indeed a contradiction to all feminists being labelled as anti men"

    We know that label is not true. Many in here contribute to humanitarian organizations, helping women, men and children.

    I am part of Amnesty International and Care2, I help when I can in different issues, irrespective of gender.

    Where human rights are concerned, everybody is a victim. Unfortunately still in many, many countries, women are seen as less than objects...we all know that.

    But concentrating in women's issues don't necessarily discards men's issues...but in this forum format, we can just talk about one isse at a time.

    Funny in the past, when I asked about  male rapes in prison, children soldiers, and other abuses against few of the women bashers here responded, why should that be?

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