
Ladies and Gents who have asked and answered here what the h--l are you thinking?

by  |  earlier

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I have just stumbled across 'Her huggy' I am so angry right now I can taste the bile in my mouth. To those who have seen him and not acted shame on you! He is worried about thumbs down, he should be in jail!

As should anybody who tells a 13 year old in graphic detail how to have s*x, who claims first hand knowledge of a four year old girl masturbating and more that I cannot even repeat, who describes a girl he believes is 14 or younger as ' Delicious ' by his own admission he would have said more but feared the consequences.

I could go on but I feel ill.

He claims one thing on his profile but the proof of the depths of his sick and twisted mind are in most of his answers.

How has he been tolerated for so long? Forget Y/A reporting this is going to the F.B.I.




  1. Sounds to me like he has gone beyond the guidelines set out by yahoo. I have only just got to your answer, so he is probably long gone...but will endeavour to find him.

    There is no room for paedophiles on a site like this when there are so many young kids on here. Thank you for making us aware of this..I hope you reported him.

  2. I haven't seen him around, but if I do then I will definitely report him to YA, and I think they can forward it to law enforcement if necessary.


  3. In case it matters to you all... I'm the fellow being talked about here.

    I've taken no offense if none is offered (although it seems much *is* being offered here) .... but there are actually a few of us men who care enough about women to offer help when it's asked for. I don't tell people anything that isn't true, and I don't say anything at all if I can't answer questions with facts.

    As you'll notice over time, I also answer questions about health and disease, weight gain and loss... and many other things, and I'll answer mostly to women because men are usually too arrogant or egotistical to take sensible suggestions seriously.

    As you've seen in my profile and other answers, I've had many girlfriends, been married twice, raised two daughters, and as I've mentioned in my "Sources", I'm very well educated about reproductive physiology and sexual stuff (I'm not kidding: I *did* read more about surgical, medical and OB/GYN nursing before my fifth birthday than most people will read in a lifetime)... and I'm very forthright with what I know.

    You think it a bit sick?

    This *is* a forum about health.  How old is your doctor... and does he not know about any of this stuff?

    Oh... the four year old girl?  That was my first wife's daughter - 26 years ago.  It's called "an example" or a "case in point", and I use them whenever appropriate to back up what I say.

  4. omg, that's sick. I havent seen any of his posts but I will be checking now!

  5. I haven't seen anything like that and if I had I would have reported it.  Sick.

    ETA---Wow.  Way to misrepresent his responses.  I stand by my initial statement that if I ever saw something like what you described in here, I would definitely report it.  However, I don't think his answers are accurately represented by your description.

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