
Ladies and Getlemen does the problem lie with the laws like VAWA,DMV or it is their implementation ?

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In india the reason why all laws initiated for betterment of women are backfiring and are becoming weapons of misuse is due to the corrupt and inept judiciary and police.

Is that the same scenario in the west or is it different?




  1. In the west the laws are open to abuse. Perhaps not as much corruption but certainly feminist attitudes within the system cause a skewing of the application of DV laws against men.

    The VAWA laws are biased. The bit about it includes men also is just an afterthought to not fall foul of discrimination legislation.

    There is a lot of political lobbying by feminists to protect women against DV. There is no one lobbying to protect men against DV.

  2. There is little difference when a segment of any society is intent on retaining power. In the west you might imagine that women are treated as equals but the statistics and the personal observations of women will show a different story.

    What I perceive to be a right for women is not actually met in the real world. In America women are still paid one third less that a man in the same position. After allowing men to control almost 90% of big business for centuries, even women who end up controlling a huge corporut dynasty are not the women who run most of the businesses.

    What we, as humans, have forgotten is that the one most capable is the one who must take the reigns. Until we disallow people of any gender to rule base on egoism  we are destined for disaster.

  3. totally different in the West.

  4. Very good question again. I will answer this to the best of my knowledge.

    The situation is not much different from the west. Laws that had (or were supposed to have) good intentions of protecting women actually did a better job of punishing men for crimes they did not commit at best, or crimes their wives and girlfriends committed at worst, than they did protecting women.

    Same with India. Except the Indian woman is more in need of protection than the western woman. In fact, the western woman has enough protection already. Feminists should take up the challenge of 'equalizing' non-democracies like the UAE.

    In India, we know the women suffer in traditionalist rural areas (which is more than half of India). We also know all too well about the police force there (almost zero). So there should logically be police stations in such places. But feminists keep insisting on more and more cruel laws instead of proper enforcement of existing ones, which are strong already. Which drives me to the conclusion that feminists only wanted to oppress men all along, and protecting women was only a mask, a secondary purpose.

    Surely any sane feminist would have realized that enforcement is lacking by now? But the answer is no, all they want is laws, laws and more laws that do nothing other than oppress men. If I can go to jail for calling my wife a nag and at the same time dowry is happening in some village.

    That's the state of our country. In the end, everything only fills the coffers of the lawyers and the feminists.

    98% of the cases registered under the Dowry Act were false allegations. But dowry still happens. That speaks volumes about the effect of these laws in protecting women.

    EDIT: Lizbiz, isn't the stat more like one-fifth less and not one-third? According to the US Census Bureau, it is.

    And read the rest of the article too. That should aid understanding.

    Same position differs for men too. A CEO in Ford may make less or more than a CEO of Hyundai. Even in the same company, it depends on your negotiating skills, which men have an advantage in, because they're more aggressive negotiators. It also isn't chauvinism or ego or sexism, it's because women make different choices. And yes, feminists don't often like those choices, because it damages their false claim that women are more competent and better wage earners than men are. So they invented a 'wage gap'. And that fell flat too, thanks in no small part to Warren Farrell.

    People laugh at anybody suggesting the wage gap is due to sexism nowadays.

  5. Did you know that in the U.S. there exists a law known as IMBRA [Which if I am not mistaken, is part of the VAWA legislation.] demands that each and every foreign woman that an American wishes to communicate with through e-mail [If it is a ''for profit'' organization] must be sent information about said individual...this will include number of marriages, felonies of any type etc etc etc ....just for trying to communicate with her for God's sake!.....Some Americans just do not want to pursue American women--for a wide variety of reasons-- and yet the govt  is making it increasingly difficult to have an alternative to this vexing problem.

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