
Ladies are you photo phobic?

by  |  earlier

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I think I am I have been looking through the family albums and there are very few photographs of me . Am I the only one with this problem ?




  1. Nope, people can have all the pictures of me they want so long as i dont have to see them lol.

  2. I hate getting my photo taken as well. I never look "right". Probably all in my head, I know. But still... I hate getting photgraphed.

  3. thats nice, my family just wont include me in photos.

    - because i look better then them and so my sisters try and upset me on every photo time.

  4. I hate people taking photographs of me

  5. I look awful in photo's probably because i'm so ugly especially official ones like my passport & driving licence, i resemble a serial killer.

  6. I hate them too.

  7. Photo phobic? Not on  your life.

    I will physically move people out of the way to mug for the camera.

  8. No, and I must have 7 avatars of myself too!٣↦☙☥

  9. Yes I am a bit, I have very few pictures of myself that I actually like. Mind you I am the one usually taking the pics in our house, I'm not sure hubby knows how to work the camera properly!

  10. i have quiet a bit of photos of me but when i was younger like! I haven't had any done latley!

  11. No I love the camera!!!

  12. no of course not!

    i hate photo's aswell

    there isnt many of me

  13. I hate photos to be honest, very rarely would I go into them... but, lol, its' mainly cause i'm the one holding the

  14. Are you the one taking the pics? I think this is the reason many females dont have that many photos..

  15. I hate having my photo taken its just a thing with me and my son is the same - daughters are ok with it though

  16. I hate having photos taken too...I don't like them unless I have the camera and have control over deleting them. There are very few pics of me from the age of about 10!

  17. No, I know people like that but I'm not really bothered myself.

  18. I love photos..I just take them ALL the time. Don't worry, you're not the only sister is like that. She doesn't really take much pictures of herself and has very few.

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