
Ladies... at what point would you call time on your relationship?

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Im wondering at what point and for what reasons have you/would you end a relationship with a guy?

I might be at that point with my man, and am wondering if i should end a relationship - but would like to know what reasons other people may have and how long you would hang on to a relationship you have doubts on?

Many thanks




  1. all depends on what your doubts are on ? i mean i got out of a really bad relationship not long ago he was violent i knew there and then i had to get out because things got worse and worse i was hanging on false hope it would stop but only got worse if thats your doubt then get out now ... other than something else i dont really no

  2. cheating,lying.neglect,boredom.

    if this is what you are suspecting and/or experiencing right now than you should def. talk to him about the situation. before its too late and you ending up regretting something or even worse a broken heart.

  3. If you're thinking about it and asking random strangers i think that's the time to call it time.

  4. whenever it starts going pear shaped

  5. I would end for dirty teeth.  and nonsense.

    I will wait for only few minutes.

  6. I was married for a long time, that was my first mistake. I didn't listen to my instincts was my second. He was a bum wouldn't work, cussed me all the time, and very abusive to say the least. Anyhow if you feel the time is right to end it than do it and do not wait.

  7. last relationship i found out the guy was cheating on me so it was def over!!

    And the time before that we were just constantly arguing over silly silly things. when we were together it was boring and never had anything to talk about coz we were sick of each other!!

    Maybe its just a bad patch ur going thru? Me and my bf sometimes argue but after it we are so loved up! Just talk about whats getting to you and try and fix things....hope it all goes well for you hunni! :)


  8. the third time you have the same argument.

  9. Im probably not a good person to answer this because I tend to hold on until they break up with me. Not because I'm afraid I wont find someone else but because I'm hoping they will change.

    Its usually the guy becomes distant as in rather be with friends and go to parties then be with me. Most guys I date seem to have a problem with commitment and thats not me.

    If you have your doubts that usually means the relationship is slowly bending its either going to get better or get worse and break. It depends on what your reasoning is on whether or not you should hang out. But dont hang out for too long or at all if your miserable. Theres someone out there that will make you happy all the time for a long time

  10. As a guy who's recently been on the receiving end of a relationship I can give you this advice.

    When you start having doubts is the first sign you need to do something. And that something is to talk.

    Sitting down and discussing your relationship as  adult is the most important thing you ever need to do.

    Good Luck

  11. That would depend on the doubts. There's a fine line between cold feet and "doubts".

    On the whole, if you feel a deep insistent draw to move on, there's a reason for it even if it below the conscious threshold, and it's time to move along.

  12. Any doubts just pull out.  One doubt it too many.

  13. Ok - if you really just don't care about the guy anymore, like you enjoy it when he's not there more than when he is and you just don't care if he comes home late... then its time to call it a day.

    Or maybe if you feel he is holding you back from being who you want to be.

    If you do really care about him and he is a good guy then stick with him unless you ddon't want to be in a relationship with anyone at all for the forseeable future.

    It may not be exciting anymore, but that can be fixed with some communication and effort on both sides.

    You will ALWAYS get to the point of no excitement in any relationship, so its not really a valid reason to break up with someone just to get into another relationship. You'll more than likely really really regret it.

  14. When you start fighting over little things that previously didn't matter. When you find yourself or you find him being clingy. Or when you feel you just need some freedom and your not getting that with the perosn your with right now.


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