
Ladies can you help me out here?

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Hi! My body is acting strange these past few weeks. I am tired, dizzy and my breast are sore, back is sore when I get up most mornings. I was sick 2 weeks ago with Sinus problems but still I feel off. My period is suppose to start next week and I am hungry a lot, I have actually dream about McDonalds and food which I have never done since I normally hate McDonalds. Weird. I have been on the hormone provera this past year and have felt fine- it was just to help my period get on a normal cycle but not the bc Depo Provera .

Anyone else ever feel like this? Is it from the Provera now? I just feel up, down and all around lately. I am in good health. I have been married for 4 years and have never been pregnant so that cannot be it right?

Thank you!




  1. it could be pregnancy. it could also be a horrible period coming up. Hormone changes can affect all the areas you have explained. You will have to wait until your period is suppose to be or even a week after that to see if its pregnancy.

  2. thats a sign of McAids


  3. your eggo is preggo

  4. Honey, I think you need to make an appointment with your doc!  You could be pregnant, and if you are, you need to stop the provera.  It could be for the antibiotics you took from your sinus infection...they make birth control less effective.

  5. You should see your Dr. They can do a blood test to see if your prego now, so you don't have to wait for your time of the month.

  6. It does sound like you may be pregnant.  Suggest you see your doctor for a blood test.

  7. eggo is hehehe... no, i was feeling that way when i started nuva ring, ask ur doctor...  

  8. go get yourself a pregnancy test

  9. pregnancy test, ASAP.

  10. I suggest that you take a pregnancy test.

  11. It does sound like you are pregnant.  And im sure you have thought of that too.  Read over this question to yourself and then ask yourself what it could be.  See you doctor.  Or you could take a pregnancy test just to see.  Also the Depo Provera does not always protect against pregnancy. Ask my friend Amanda.  Good Luck.  And congrats if you have a little one inside.

  12. Well, Provera (which Im guessing you're taking to start your period) can make alot of women feel moody & give them the extreme PMS symptoms you described.

    However, it might also be pregnancy & Provera is NOT good to take if you are pregnant. I would take a test ASAP to rule out being pregnant & if it comes up negative, you can chalk up the junky feeling to the Provera!

  13. You should definitely get a pregnancy test... no birth control is foolproof, and the tired/dizzy/sore b*****s and back/hunger/cravings for abnormal food sounds like you should get a test, just in case.

  14. I agree with those who said to take a pregnancy test...never hurts to check just in case. But it also could be from the hormone you're taking...just because it never affected you before doesn't mean there's no way it could be affecting you now. Your body changes a lot, and with that it changes how it reacts to things, so I would probably just talk to a doctor about all this.


  16. I would go to your doctor and get blood work done. Tell your doctor what you just told us and Im sure he/she can help you.  

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