
Ladies do some women enjoy crushing bugs with their high heels?

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Ladies i saw all these videos on youtube of women crushing insects with their high heels.Do some women enjoy this? Is it a power thing of feeling powerful in high heels?




  1. Guest56724

     I always zip up a pair of my tallest and sexyest pair of high heel boots and crush them for fun, I feel super powerful and s**y then i do it.



  2. Guest33282

    Yes at every opportunity and it is a power thing. Crunchy sensations thrill me too.

  3. Yes.  It's a highly difficult sport.  It requires running in high heel (danger) and getting rid of unwanted bugs (functional.)  What's not to like?

  4. yes and no because it depends on what type of high heel or what type of bug if its a huge bug NO but if not sure

  5. Yes, I do; with more physical vitality than any Woman or Feminist could possibly fathom.

  6. No, I don't enjoy it.  I like to keep mine clean and looking pretty.

  7. I think this is actually a men's fetish.  It's called "crush" or something like that.  They enjoy watching women wearing high heels squashing things, for some reason.  Some men even like to be stepped on by women wearing heels.

    Even though it's a men's fetish, I'm sure the women involved aren't exactly miserable.

    Here's an article about it:

  8. I love those little guys.

    I would never crush them.

  9. I never wear high heels, can't balance in them and they're very bad for the feet.  However, if I did wear them I wouldn't tread on bugs with them, I think that's disgusting.

  10. Wow. This is a new fetish for us on GWS. Just when we thought we'd seen it all...

  11. Squishing helpless bugs shows their stupidity.

  12. No, generally I set them free...unless they are poisonous or have a stinger.

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