
Ladies- do women really need men?

by Guest61643  |  earlier

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Besides for reproductive purposes of course.

Thanks for the inspiration Bryan.




  1. Men need women as much as women need men because if it wasn't for men needing women nothing would ever get done. Because the main reason men get out of bed are for women. Every thing leads back to that one reason

  2. The question isn't really "Do women need men?", but instead "Do people need other people, and if so for what purpose(s)".  Humans are sexual beings and social animals.  If you're a heterosexual female, I would venture to guess that you will feel the most complete and happy when you are able to fulfill your intellectual interests while having a strong relationship with a man. On the same note, it also helps to have a few lasting friendships with other women and men. If you find yourself without friends or a mate, it shouldn't be the end of your world, but it would only be natural to hope for these relationships in the near future. Short answer: people need other people, to one extent or another, to lead a fulfilling, happy life. Men factor into that for heterosexual (and most L*****n) women. Therefore, women need men.      

  3. I want them; not need them, were women to need men there would be no lesbians.  Having said that men are enjoyable, and they are worth more than what they have hanging between their legs.

  4. Definitely yes.Why?Because god said so, because you need a person with whom you share your life, because you need a hand  to walk in the park, because you have a person to keep your feet warm in winter , you have one to share your hopes, happiness, sadness ,love, understanding, even the silence is good with him . I can write a novel about it if you need. Is this enough?

  5. I don't understand these questions at all.

    Humans tend to seek human relationships with other humans because we're by nature social critters. We ENJOY human relationships.

    It's not about need.

    And suppose the answer were "No." what then? Each person has the right to live their lives. Period.

    Your continued existence is simply not contingent on whether or not I "need" you.

  6. My father raised me so yeah, we need men.

  7. I need mine.

    And he's in Kentucky because of work this week and it reminds me how much I enjoy having him around.

  8. OH YES YES YES....

    They have such a different way of communicating.

    They have such a different and interesting bodies. :)

    Some of them are so freakin soulful and caring and protective.

    Gosh my brother too what would I do without that wonderful man, he really helped me to understand such a more well rounded view of the world from his prospective. Opened some parts right up...

    Helped me to see some of the things others with different makeups and hormones and fears they face..

    The energy in some of these great guys.

    The way some of them grab onto an idea good or bad and get soooo into it... no matter if its science, girls, cars,  guitars.... unlike any girls I ever knew.

    the stamina some have to be able to put up with me.... :)

    There are lots of things I find in men, that I have NEVER seen in ANY woman.. I absolutely love the whole diversity of them from me. They are an can be from a whole nother world.

    Yes.... women really do need men, children really do need men, the world really does need men, my home really could use a man, ;) :p

    Love 'em... well some of them of course. :p

    the ablity to be so youthful even long after the youth is gone.

    LOOK one even inspired this AWESOME question, as so many of them do.


    YEP... we sure do..

  9. Well, with the way science is with the whole sperm bank thing, that might not be needed anymore. They're probably going to be able to clone sperm, and then men will be utterly useless. Granted, the DNA will be totally week, but science has been known to do some interesting things.

    However, let's hope it doesn't come to that. Too many women would be too much estrogen, just like too many men would be too much testosterone. There needs to be a balance!

  10. I had my son without a man ... so they aren't even necessary for reproduction! LOL  But, I do love them!!!

  11. yes for a number of reasons. one of which you mentioned already. also their companionship. i get along with guys. i have a connection to them..and i like it. i would love to have that one guy that loves me just as much as i love him. it's a great feeling. yeah we can have friends who are of the same s*x...but it's not the same. im not saying we are weak but i feel secure with a guy. i think thats because i want one and will be happy when i have that someone with me. it's hard to explain i hope i got the point across lol. like for me sitting around doing nothing and just watching tv is great with my friends but when you have that one man with you..even if you arn't sitting in the same chair...just that connection you feel. he smiles at u...u return the favor...that type of thing doesn't happen with just anyone.

  12. No. I only rely on myself. I'm not opposed to dating or people getting married, but it's not a priority.

  13. Like a hole in the head.

    LOL jk.  It depends on your definition of "need" I suppose.  If by "need" you mean financially, or for me to feel complete as a person or even to achieve o****m, then the answer would of course be no.

    But I do need the men in my life for things like emotional support etc.  but this is in the same way I need the women in my life.  The "need" has nothing to do with gender.

  14. NEED?  

    Well, I have lived alone and I have lived with men.  I CAN live alone, but am much happier when I live with a man.

    I am going to say YES, we DO need men because even when I am living alone, I enjoy the occasional company of men, and as I think about it, I would even enjoy living alone less - a heck of a lot less, actually - if there were no men at all "out there".

    And yet, I suppose I could look at it the other way, too.

    I COULD live without men, but just wouldn't WANT to.

    When it comes down to the final analysis, we usually value our "wants" above our "needs" in life.  For example, if it is your birthday and one friend gives you a bottle of your favorite liquor or perfume and another person gives you a bottle of dish-washing liquid, which gift do you really appreciate more?

    A couple goes to the store and he buys a package of saw blades, a new set of windshield wipers and a fancy, expensive, fishing reel, and she buys a box of laundry detergent, a package of paper towels and a pink sweater with pearls on it.

    Which of their purchases do you think mean the most to them?

    He NEEDED the saw blades and windshield wipers, but you can bet it is the fishing reel he'll be bragging to his buddies about at work the next day!

    Yeah, and she's NOT going to be e-mailing her friends about that wonderful box of detergent and that fabulous package of paper towels - however much she may have needed them.  NO, she's going to be proudly telling them all about that pink sweater!

    So maybe I don't really NEED my guy, but I WANT him in my life, and, to me, that places a much higher value on him!

  15. Yes.  There's a lot more to rearing children than just producing them, and it's tough being a single parent, especially if you have sons.  One of my friends is a single mother and she does a great job, but it's not easy for her especially with her son, who gives her a lot of aggro.  children need fathers as well as mothers, especially sons.

    And then of course there's s*x (for pleasure that is rather than just reproduction), companionship, and men are really good at fixing things as well.

  16. We don't "need" them but they are fun to have around.  :)

  17. yes we do. even though sometimes we cant stand men, we still want and need them there with us.

  18. Yep, you need MEN.

    What you don't need are males.

    Not males. Just MEN

  19. We need each other.

  20. YES! I do! I like their companionship.

  21. I know it for a fact that, across the world, women need men for SURVIVAL.  This is true even in the westernized well-developed countries.  Women's contribution in industrial and agricultural "production" can only fulfil the basic needs of less than 1% of female population of this world.

  22. yes WOMEN really need men, and are desperate about it, its just that a lot of men don't know this

    women need love and attention from men, if not they become loonies

    like raving feminist, get it?

  23. I think we all have a need to be loved and valued by someone. Deep down, whether we care to admit it or not, we need someone to love, to trust and to share our hearts and our lives with.-- Someone to hold us when we cry,  to protect us when we really need protecting, to need us as much as we need them, and to miss and remember us when we're gone.

  24. They make amusing pets.

  25. No not at all. Do men need women? No not at all. We really should just all move to separate islands.

    I love how women will answer a question from a guy who ask "Men, do we need women?" with a bunch of c**p that are wants but when its flipped there is no need at all.

    YES, I need my man. I won't die without him but I do need him.

    Also men do a lot in society. Sure there are some f*ckers out there but there are great guys too and a lot of the work men do is something feminist scream that women could do, yet women hardly ever touch it (not saying that no woman CAN do it but that they DON'T). I'm not talking about the military either.

  26. No you don't.

    Let's end human race and turn everyone sad and depressed by splitting humanity in men land and women land.

  27. Need implies that someone wouldn't be able to survive without. So no, I don't need men, but I do want them in my life.  

  28. Yeah!!! I loove men :p Plus women cant do everything, they need someone manly to help them with stuff! Women are lazy :p lool cause really i am

  29. i need my husband for s*x, compainship, fun and cause i love him.  

  30. Well, I don't NEED them so to speak, but I've found that certain men in my life have made it more enjoyable.

  31. No.

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