Question: you ever go on vacation by yourself?

by  |  earlier

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So, I am going on the two vacas by myself. None of my friends can go with me. I plan to go to Las Vegas and San Diego. Is there some kind of tour group or something I can look for so I don't have to go by myself. I did go on vaca by myself last year becaus eI wanted to, but it wasn't any fun... any recos?




  1. sometimes

  2. Yea but they just go to hopefully be picked up by cooler guys than who they're with.

  3. I've been to Europe 3 times traveling by myself.  If you're young you might want to consider staying at youth hostels.  Not as nice as hotels and often you have to share rooms (sometimes they have singles though), but it's a great way to meet other people from all over the world who are traveling alone.  If you don't want to do that, check out the forums at for both places to see what they're up to or to ask for ideas on tours.  I heard about a good company called Gap Adventure Travel ( a few months ago too.  I met a bunch of girls and guys who signed up on their own and had a great time.  You might want to check with them for trips in the US  

    Good for you for doing what you want either with friends or by yourself.  That's great!

  4. I went to Aruba by myself and at the time my 4 year old son.

  5. Well I actually went to Florida by myself.  I brought along travel items and a carry on bag filled with stuff that i could use just whenever.  Well i went to websites recommending things to do in florida, so heres some websites on las vegas:

    San Diego:

    i dont know of any tour groups-- but in the websites you can find plenty of tours.

    good luck! and remember just have fun :]!

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