
Ladies do you find Indian men attractive, desirable, hot, s**y...dateable?

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I was born in India but I was raised here in the US for the past 12 years and im almost 21 now..i've noticed that us Indians are the least desirable in the dating world here in Orange County

i feel like white girls especially out of all American girls aren't that receptive to me..I hang around all kinds of people here on my campus here in California but I've realized after some tough moments that I should just stick to dating people of my kinda - Indian girls. You name it, Latino, Asian, Italian, etc, girls whom I've found attractive to me, I've approached and tried to impress but they just don't give me a good opportunity to impress them

I don't get it..I play hard to get, I play nice, I'm genuine, respectful, perhaps not brand name but clean ironed out clothing that look good on me....i am versatile...but what the freaking h**l...are they dating the skin color or the person here?

is Brown the new Black? if you know what I mean?




  1. That's is straight-up racism that's going on. Some people are afraid to try new things or they have some kind of problem going on. And apparently, yes, they're only dating skin colours here. I find this stupid and irrational because all human beings are equal. And from the way you describe yourself, you sound like a pretty decent guy. Even I would fall for you if I lived around where you live! I guess nowadays that society believes you have to stick to your own kind and that's not at all true! There are many interacial couples out there (Heidi Klum and Seal, Mariah Carey and her new husband) and I don't know why people make such as a fuss about it. Take my advice, look for a girl who truly loves you for being you. Don't be desperate and look for a girl on campus. You ought to go out sometime and find a girl that likes you and you like her, whether she's Oriental, Asian, Caucasian, African or Hispanic.

  2. Nah, I don't think it's an intentional thing... Different people are just attracted to different features.  I have blonde hair & blue eyes. Some guys find me attractive, some guys don't.  Just the way it is.

    I'd date a guy if he was nice and I was attracted to him, no matter what ethnicity.

  3. Welcome to the world of African Americans!  Sorry for the sarcasm...  I've often heard of East Indians referred to as being black because some people don't see much variation.  People who can't see your value are not worthy of your time and energy.  There are plenty of non-racist people who would find you attractive.   Good luck.  PS:  Don't try to be anything you're not and embrace what makes you unique.  BTW:  So Cal in particular is very superficial. No Cal is much better.

  4. brown will never be the new black first of all.. but you want to get orange county puss y the key is Confidence.

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