
Ladies do you like being teased?

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Ive heard many times that girls like being teased and ive seen it plenty of times but id like to tease this girl but im afriad i will hurt her feelings. How can i do it without hurting her? Ive flirited with her before.




  1. mmmm kinda sometimes..

  2. Don't humiliate or embarrass her.  xox

  3. Ugh, if you mean sexual teasing that is so immature.  Now joking with someone, that is a little better.  But teases (as in people who flirt up a storm and then don't deliver) make me sick - I hate when women do it, I hate when men do it, and I hate when transsexual people do it.  

  4. I hate being teased!!!!!!! It makes me soooooo mad I would like a guy like this to come along shaggy hair, attractive smile, great dancer, elegant, adventurous, loving, caring, brave, tall, and handsome. I do not think that will happen though. All the guys these days take things to fast and dont really care what the girl they are with cares about.

  5. not really. that game gets old very quickly.

    i like being teased sexually. yeeeah...

  6. Depends what you mean by teasing.. Calling her fat or fatty NOOO! BIG NO!

    Now a flirty cute kinda tease like say in school maybe she is next to you and you just tease her by making fun of her to her with a flirty smile...

    Unless she doesnt take jokes.

    It just depends how you mean by teasing really.

    Hope I helped! =]]]]

  7. jokingly tease her, something that wont hurt her very much

  8. well everyone knows teasing is a form of love but it depends on what you say

    be nice when you tease

    just make sure its not too mean

  9. no. being teased is embarrassing for anyone. some girls like being teased by their friends or their boyfriends or their crush, its a way of knowing that they notice you and care to take time on you, even on a small thing like teasing you. but if your not really that close, and if you mean to tease her as in really, really tease her and not just play around with her, dont do it. it's rude and unmanly.

  10. if its in a playful way i dont mind, as long as you give me what you're teasing me about eventually.but if you dont give it up..thats not cool.  

  11. Don't go overboard. As for me, teasing is fun because I do it all the time with guys. If she's shy and kind of the sensitive type, don't do it. She might take it literally.

  12. No, we don't really like being teased. We like when you tell us how you feel and your not afraid to tell us your feelings. But once your together with a girl its okay to tease her if your really in love with her and you know she loves you. Like when she leans for a kiss brush her lips and then just lean away and be like "nahh...maybe later" but smile to know your kidding or something like that. I don't know, but girls don't usually like to be teased. Well I hope I helped!=)

  13. If you have to ask, then don't do it. There are some guys that just have a natural ability to flirt, and their type of teasing comes off in a positive flirty way, and they instinctively know how/what to say and where to draw the line or let it go. Very few have this ability - it will come off wrong/offensive, they will take it to an annoying level etc. Get your own style, and go with that. If you really insist on getting this teasing thing down, pay close attention when you see others do it - what they tease about, how far they take it, etc. Try it out on friends that are girls first, but don't try it down on a crush until you have had some good response from girls you already know and feel comfortable with.

  14. well as long as its not mean, then yeah. its almost like flirting and you know he's kidding. but dont say anything mean or go too far. then youll hurt her feelings. but yeahh so go for it. just be careful buddy :)


  15. Well people have different flirting styles some guys like to playfully tease which is cool for them . So just find out what works best for you and the girl your trying to get . I like a guy who would playfully challenge me to something like guitar hero or something and tease me a bit make me play better thats cute . Whats not cute is hating on some girls clothes or anything bc she probably tried really hard to look good . So competitive teasing is a cute way to do it . Also just do what works best for you because it can be a negative effect too she can think oh wow this guy i like was nice to me now hes making fun of me he must not like me anymore .  Hope this helps !


  16. Real guy is no tease.

    Real guy is a chaser. Women want to be chased. You try teasing her and you'll be teasing your own hands later.

  17. Wow.. I almost answered this question with an obviously then I got what you meant.. :-) No I do not like being teased outside of a locked door with my boyfriend. :-)

  18. don't mean tease her! HELLO??? what girl likes her self esteem being demeaned. Just talk to her and and ask her things like "why are you so cute?" or if she says something funny say "oh, now you're just being cute". and when she's talking to you complaining about something and says why is that? just say something stupid and honest nonchalantly like "I dont know maybe its because you're so beautiful" all girls like compliments.

  19. not really. i mean maybe its okay sometimes when we are alone and its funny but with other people and something personal.. no just dont bother. girls are sensative so dont mess

  20. Continue to flirt and tease in a playful way, if she seems hurt, stop.

  21. theres no such thing as teasing about her being "Bigger/fat/a little axtra "couchin for the pooshin"

    Thats a good way to get a slap in the face.

    tickle, tell hershes goofy when she has a ding bat moment.

    If shes short make little coments about that.

    Shrimp, or shory or something.

    dont talk about weight or hair, then you should be okay,

    unless she has one peev about herself.

  22. Personally i hate being teased. i love when guys flirt but i want a guy to be sweet, not to tease me.

  23. It depends. I like being joking teased, but sometimes guys take it too far. Try to smile big, so she knows you're just kidding, and say "JK" after. Be nice, and just don't take it too far. Good Luck!

  24. If you like her go ahead and tease her. The only problem would be if you didn't like her and were teasing her and led her on only for her to find out that you were never interested. Her feelings won't be hurt if you are already decent friends but don't go up to some girl that you've never talked to before.

  25. To a certain extent. If it's something about her physically (ex: her height, nose, weight, braces, etc) don't go there, because that's something she can't change, and will begin to feel self concious about. Just say it lightly, and with a smile on your face, so she knows your kidding. There's also an "I-like-you-but-I'm-letting-you-know-by-... tone. I can't explain it, but it's softer than normal teasing if that makes sense. Make sure she always knows your teasing too. Tell her you're just kidding, and apologize if you do hurt her. I would only do it a couple of times though, because it can become a big turn-off. Hope this helps! Cheers!

  26. I love to be teased, it shows me your interested. Just make sure she understands you're teasing and you're good. ^^

  27. Ive been told that most girls dont like games haha

    but to each is own, im a guy, i cant help you too much

    please answer my question

  28. try not 2 tease any girls!!

    u dont noe whether every girl lyks being teased or not..

    just stick with flirting..

    its the better option..

    n personally i dun lyk being teased..


  29. only tease her if you KNOW that she likes you. if you tease her with her hating you, you will hurt her feelings.

  30. I do.  But not in a mean and insulting way.  My husband teases me constantly.  I pretend it bothers me, he pretends that surprises him or that he doesn't care, and we continue on our way.

  31. I like the playful tease; I think it's cute. But like the mean tease, I can't stand.

    Just don't say anything that you THINK will hurt her feelings.

    P.S. Teasing is really an easy way to find out a guy likes a girl so don't do it if you don't want her to know you like her.

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