
Ladies do you need war paint? survey honestly now?

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Ladies do you need war paint? survey honestly now?




  1. No. I never wear make up. Now when I'm angry my face goes white so maybe then,lol

  2. no just a little lippy does me fine

  3. I'm fine without bf likes me to wear it!!!!!

  4. nope, not i ...... ifn i ever get the urge to put makeup on it pretty much makes me look like a loud mouthed clown face .......  naaah, just some lip gloss will do me luv....... ;0)

    peace baby


  5. don't think i'd die without it,but blusher helps as there's not enough sunlight where i live for that healthy natural glow.

  6. no

  7. Who am i Apache Indian.

  8. Polyfiller more like! The wrinkles are many and deep!

  9. No, at least I don't wear make-up 98% of the time. Only if I was going to be in a wedding, or something where it's practically required. I used to when I was in my early teens, but I chucked it all out the window (metaphorically speaking).  

  10. I'm not a lady

    2 points!


  11. Depends how angry I am.  

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