
Ladies do you thibk you could walk in these shoes?

by  |  earlier

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I want to know if you could walk in these shoes and do you think they are cute. I am thinking of getting a pair for my gf.

Also please post you liks here so that I can answer your questions.




  1. uhmm i dont know if its just me but... GAG!! NO you would NOT be able to walk in those.. . and they're not the greatest looking either. sorry. ]: keep lookingg.

  2. Ummmmm....unless you want to give your girlfriend shoes that are absolutley ugly and the MOST uncomforlable shoes ever....dont buy them.

  3. Go for it, but you DO understand they weren't made for walking....

    not on the floor, anyway.  ; )

  4. haha no


    get them for her anyway

  5. first of all . ew.  ugly . second. no. looks very uncomfortable.

  6. omg, I wouldn't get those, you might as well learn to walk on your toes! There's no way anyone could walk in those without years of practice! and I don't really think they're cute either, the heels are to high.

  7. ...

    please dont get those

    for ANYBODY




    or for ANY reason

  8. Honestly, I do not think I could walk in them but maybe she could. They also do not look very comfortable.  

  9. Those are 7'' high

    theres NO way I would be able to walk in those shoes!

  10. Wtf? Why would you want your gf to walk on toes?

  11. HECK NO

  12. well in my opinion those high heel look hideous!!!! U should fine another heels!!  If u are searching for high heels punk!! The money is in euro but there are alternative in which country u use those dollars!

    This look better and is not too expensive in my opinion!

    Here some high heels!

  13. im sure id wear them if i wanted to fall and break my face or sprain,twist, or break my ankle. or cramp up my foot. good luck to your gf!!

  14. Oh my. Maybe if your girlfriend is an alien hooker.

  15. OMG! No way! lol.---♥

  16. Sorry but ARE YOU CRAZY?!?!?!. Unless your gf iss EXTREMELY talented with high heels ( hopefully she is) I doubt that she can pull that off. It's like balancing on the highest part of your tippy toes. I wouldn't wear them. But your gf might.

    GL :)

    answer mine please?

  17. There is no way I could walk in those shoes! A 7" heel is way too high!  It basically looks like you'd be walking on your tiptoes.  And no offense, I don't think they're cute either.  I don't know you're gf or your style, but they're def not mine!

  18. no. u are going to look like one of those chinese women who have to scrunch their feet. and no they are terribly ugly. srry

  19. No I couldn't

  20. OOOW that would kill!!

    your girlfriend would never be able to walk in those

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