
Ladies do you watch your weight and keep under size 6?

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Ladies do you watch your weight and keep under size 6?




  1. Not really. I eat healthy because I feel better when I do it than when I don't, but I don't really pay much attention to my weight. The average American woman is a size twelve. If I stay around that, I'm happy.

  2. Beyond making sure it stays in the healthy range, I don't watch it.

  3. nope size 8-10 looks great on me I don't care what size the celebs wear.

  4. I was a size six once for about 15 minutes, back in the day when I was mooning over a guy I couldn't get. I looked sick, and I guess I was in truth. Once I got over that stupidity I went back to size 8 which was perfect for me.

  5. I'm not meant to be a size 6. . . well, or at least I'm not personally into looking like a walking skeleton stuffed into something that still doesn't quite fit.  I was a size 6 for a while as a teenager, but that lasted only until the next growth spurt.  I look slightly less odd as an 8, and a 10's pretty normal-ish.

    I stick with trying to keep myself looking halfway healthy.  Whatever size that means I am. . . or, more accurately, whatever 2-3 sizes that means I am. . . is fine with me.

  6. I'm pretty curvy (Coke bottle figure) & it's hard for me to find jeans so it'd be pretty difficult for me to become a size 6 w/o looking "emaciated" as another poster mentioned.

  7. Nope, my frame would not allow me to be a size 6 (I would look sick if I was). But I do ensure that I get my cardio and muscular endurance work outs in at least 3 to 4 times a week. So I watch the inches that I lose vs. what size pants I wear. I have hips and @$$ so there is no way I would fit a size 6. And I'm not about to kill myself trying too either.

  8. Wow, that's none of your business...but here you go nosey posey, NO I don't "watch" my weight and I'm not under a six.  I love my curves and so does my man.  Skinny girls look like dudes....

  9. No, at my height size 6 is only possible for a girl under the age of 16.  

    So unless you advocate paedophilia, your expectations are unrealistic.

  10. Yep. I'm a 4 and plan to stay that way.

    Add: btw, I'm 5'7", at a healthy weight, and don't look emaciated.

  11. Well, I'm watching my weight and trying to lose some - but for me under size 6 is ugly so I would never go that low.

  12. Under a size 6? Why the h**l would I want to be a skeleton? UK size 12/14 is perfect for me!

  13. You can "watch your weight" and not base it on clothing size.

    I actually wear a size 10 no matter if I weigh 150 lbs or 160 lbs .. just my bone structure I guess.

    I'd like to be a bit more toned.. in better shape.. and I'm working on that. .but my BMI is in a healthy range.. so I guess a size 10 is okay for me.

  14. i could never be a size 6 even if i tried.

    the smallest i could possibly hope to get without looking emaciated is maybe a 10.

  15. ha ha i could never get too that size my skeltopn is bigger than a size 6

  16. I don't watch my weight, I just work hard and don't eat like a horse.

  17. Nope.....i watch my body fat.....keep it right around 20%

    Which is healthy for an adult woman.

  18. Lol.size 6? Hmm, you mean "Children's Clothes?" Maybe when I was a kid I was a size 6. Yes, I do watch my weight, and it watches me, too. I eat 3 normal sized meals a day, and go for a daily walk. That's the best I can do with it, and NO I am far from being a size 6.

  19. I watch my weight but keep my size at about a 16. That's because I'm quite tall and a size 6 would be practically skeletal for me.

  20. Yes. Now excuse me while I go puke dinner.

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