
Ladies - do your little touches indicate affection?

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I often notice that my sister (we're all in our 20s) will deliver casual little touches to her best guy friend; like stroking a hand over his back when walking past, tickling his neck, patting his head, etc. My gf once said she reckons they're more than friends and whilst I don't mind at all either way I can't help being a bit curious.




  1. Yes, they are affectionate touches, but some are 'more' affectionate than others.  I would get the same vibe your gf does.  

  2. yep, well in my case they do haha. if i want to 'indicate affection' i'll touch them in ways just like you described. I dont know why, its just what i do and im sure lots of other girls do it too.

    sounds like your sister has got herself a little male friend

  3. Yes, but I wouldn't read too much into it.  Friends, especially close friends tend to be more affectionate with one another.  Typically girls are more likely to touchy feely with friends than guys so it may explain how or why she is touchy feely with him.

    However, your girlfriend may be right, there may be more going on, especially if the touching is in more of a sexual way than friendly.

  4. yeah sure..especcially when i punch the guy in the arm really hard and leave a bruise the size of a ( whatever size my fist is)

  5. Some people are more touchy-feely than others and do that to most friends etc whereas for others it means more. So without knowing what that girl is like in particular then you can't say.


  6. I would love to do this to a man that I love, but I think the trick is to find a man that would really appreciate to have this done to him. Most men, feel like they have to be the more "dominant" one and so should not have this done. That in itself is such a sad thing, for the human touch is perhaps the ultimate expression of love. =>

  7. She has the hots for him.

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