
Ladies.. hair... down there..what do you do?

by  |  earlier

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just curious as to what you ladies or girls do with the hair "down there"

does it hurt to wax for those who know?

what would you wax? or shave?

i'm helpless. haha




  1. well shave it all off cuz it's grossand so do all my friends i would hope.  It's a bother so i shave it all off wich is sometimes hard because i cut myself all the time (ps it's super hard to shave down there) and now i'm going to try this bikini zone hair remover stuff i got atwalmart. if this doesn't work then i'm going to wax. =)

  2. what i do is well first go buy one of the shaving tools the have a guard on it so you do cut your self or you siorers(spelling) and you can keep it trimmed with that i have one you can get them at walmart and target hope this help

    ps waxing it will hurt

  3. Everyones opinion is different, i say trim.

  4. shave it all off...would like to wax not worried about the pain

  5. Let it be, just trim bikini line

  6. Hair Down except for really hot days

  7. ha vais "au natural"

  8. I don't like to shave cause it itches as it grows back. And waxing just sounds too painful... So I just keep it trimmed.

  9. I trim the main area, shave the under bit and wax the bikini line, it doesn't hurt that much and you get use to it after a while, i've been waxing for about 2 yrs and the hair gets thinner so less pain! Good luck.

  10. i have never waxed but i hear it is extremely painful.  don't shave or else when the hair grows back a little it will itch like crazy.  been there done that.

  11. I free style and am all natural. lol

  12. Omg I know it is so difficult! Shaving is easier but the hair grows back so quick and waxing is so painful-much more painful than on your legs. Trim the 'main' bit and wax the sides. You need something to keep you warm!

  13. Golly, when I asked this question for a statistical observation answer, I was called a pervert.

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