
Ladies has this ever happened to you? Serious answers only please.?

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I have been married for 3 years to a man I love very much. My problem is that I don't want to have s*x with him anymore. At first I tried to maintain a "want" for it but it didn't last long enough to make it worth my while. He started to try harder to please me and usually he does but I am never actually "in the mood". We now sleep in the living room, each on our own couch. We want to sleep in the same room and we want to be together but it is hard for him to sleep next to me and not get any sexual response from me. It is hard for me to sleep next to him when he tries to excite me and all I want to do is sleep. I know it's me but what is it that is happening to me to make me this way? Anyone out there with the same problem?




  1. honestly , i think you may love your husband, but ask yourself this...if there was another man (a new man) in your life that was oh so s**y...would you feel excited sexually? it's not nothing wrong with you, but maybe you are just not sexually attracted to him anymore for whatever your reeasons may be.

  2. To be honest, Yahoo answers isnt the place to seek the solution.  The two of you need to seek counseling to get to the root of the problem and to work together on coming to a solution.

  3. The only time it happened to me was when I was pregnant with our in my case it was hormones.

    Are you physically attracted to him?  If not, that could be a factor.  Are you depressed or on medication?  It could also be your hormones.  In any case, you need to consult with a doctor about this issue as it isn't something anyone here can guess.

  4. I hope this has not happened to any other women,maybe you should rethink how you love him,do you love him passionately I think not.You should seek marriage counseling because you will eventually force your husband to someone else or pornography.You must know that this makes your husband feel terrible and that is why he is always trying to get you in the mood,he wants to make things work.

  5. Sometimes a woman's s*x drive decreases when she simply doesn't feel s**y.  Perhaps she's let herself go, gained a little weight, no longer follows her beauty regime, doesn't get her nails done anymore, grows tired of the same old outfits, has let her nighties become tattered, wears "granny panties," etc.  Those things can be overcome if the woman is aware of them.  Be sure that you're doing the things you need to do to feel feminine and s**y.

    Have you been feeling stressed, anxious or worried about anything these past few months?  That could cause problems in the bedroom.  (For some people, sleep--as opposed to drugs or alcohol--is their escape from problems.)

    Get plenty of rest or reshedule your chores so that you're not too tired to make love to your husband.  He needs this intimacy and release, or he will seek it from someone else.

    If that doesnt work, please go see your doctor.  s*x is a very important part of marriage, and you should not let this continue.

  6. O.k. so you love your husband, but are there any problems between and how long have you not been wanting to have s*x? It is natural the longer you are together for you to lose some desire, but to not want it at all is not good. Have you been checked for thyroid problems, depression, or hormonial imbalance?

  7. Oh man, this is the beginning of the end if you don't get this fixed.  I would suggest you go to the doctor to get your hormones checked out and go to counseling

    I had anger from things that had happened a long time ago so I wanted him to make up for these things but he didn't so I punished him but it was very immature of me to handle my issue by the time I did it was too late

    We didn't always really connect in bed either and I have some hormone issues as well.

    Oh and PS we love each other very much we just didn't have that passion to hold it together but we were together for 7yrs close friends for 10 but he is now married to his previous 2nd wife again but we still love each other

  8. ur probably a L*****n  

  9. You are problem experiencing some type of hormonal problem. This is very common and can be easily dealt with. Please visit your doctor and let them know that you are no longer even experiencing any type of sexual desire... A successful and happy marriage, needs to involve s*x.. Continually denying your husband, will only lead him astray. I don't mean to be rude, but he has needs too. It's not fair for him to become unhappy because you don't want try and resolve this issue. Wanting and enjoying s*x is something every women should experience.

    Good luck

  10. We have the same problem. I always think its because of my endometreosis. It's bothering my husband also but hes trying to understand it as much as possible.  

  11. Sounds like you have a very low s*x drive. It's completely normal, but you really shouldn't shut your husband out of your life like that. Eventually that is going to ruin your marriage all together. My suggestion is speak with your Dr. about your low s*x drive (don't worry it's common and they hear it all the time so nothing to be embarrassed about). I would also get you two in some marriage counseling ASAP so you don't lose your marriage all together. Good luck and God Bless!!!

  12. I think it is very sad to be going through incompatible s*x drives when you love each other. It sounds like you have a very loving husband and are yourself a loving heart to own the problem as you have. I hope my suggestions help you.

    I know of 2 simple, non-prescription things. One is Vitamin E - break open a capsule of high quality Vitamin E oil and lubricate yourself before s*x. It will increase sensation as well as comfort and it is healthier for you than any other lubricant you could use.

    The 2nd thing is an amino acid supplement - Arginine + Ornithine. You can get it in the health food store and it is not expensive. Take minimum 2 capsules a day. It will take about 3 weeks to see results but the results should be excellent. You will wonder how you ever lived without it. (Note: there is a product called "Argin-Max" you can google and order online but it is expensive and you don't need it. The active ingredient in it is L-Argenine which is what I've recommended, with Ornithine to activate it. Trust me, it works.)

    Other things to consider are your diet. If you eat a lot of "dead" food, it will diminish your energy overall. I am talking processed food, pasta, white bread, canned food, fast food, high saturated fat food, red meat, etc. Basically anything that has been killed, cooked to death or was never alive to begin with!

    If this is what you eat, it might explain why you'd rather sleep than have s*x.

    You need to eat a lot more "living" food - whole grains, fruits, vegetables, fish, sprouts - organic preferred and as fresh as possible.

    Menopause might be a factor as well - don't know how old you are. Hormones can mess up your libido but take my advice (above) and you will not only be healthy and ovulating in your 50's but having the best s*x of your life.

    I hope this sets you in the right direction for some positive change. You really do owe it to both yourself and your husband to create a fulfilling intimate life together and I sincerely hope that my suggestions help you. All the best to you!


  13. This is perfectly normal.  Desire waxes and wanes over time.

    You should go for a checkup and see if your doctor has any suggestions.

    Also see if there's anything you can do to reinvigorate your interest.  Maybe change the routine, take a vacation together somewhere you've never been, be creative...

    Keep open communication.  Reassure your husband that you love him, tell him why, and tell him you know there have been some difficulties lately and you want to make it better but don't know how.  Be open to his suggestions.

  14. Either your secretly disgusted with him because he's no good, your mad at him or your not as interested in s*x as he is.  Yes it happened to me when I was disgusted with my ex.

  15. I think its normal, its Probably stress, some sort of pressure your feeling maybe. I'd start by having a serious honest conversation with hubby about everything thats bothering even the things that hurt get it out of your chest and see if that helps with the s*x, if that dont work youll have to see a doctor because it could just be a low libido, i had the same thing but i didnt go to the doctor , i went to the s*x store and got some libido creams and it worked, i also went to walgreens and picked up some libido max and it took me taking eight of those puppies but i was all over my husband all night, he was turning me down. so give those a try. i hope it works for you

  16. i am living it. i don't feel like a sexual vixen anymore, and am never in the mood. BUT i do have the best husband ever because he understands that s*x doesn't intrest me much and he takes what he gets. he is great!

  17. thats what happpenes when ppl get married ! i watched s*x & the city so im never getten married

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