
Ladies have u noticed this ?

by  |  earlier

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I noticed that "fake tan" or thed "tanned" look is no longer in.

My latest issue of glamour doesnt contain a single model which is tanned. In fact they are reallly pale.

Have u noticed?




  1. good observation!

  2. Yea i have and i don't bother with tanning anymore it's way to much effort and fake tan washes off so easily as well.

    I don't actually mind being pale anymore.

  3. lol yeah it looks gross


    I have naturally pale skin (typical English rose) and have never wanted to be "Tango'd"  I am extremely happy with my skin colour and think it's great that it's now "acceptable" to be natural.

  5. naturally tanned is better then both IMO.look at how beautiful their skin is

  6. your right lol that is true.. now anyone who is tan is considered orange haha

  7. i have seen that alot they go for a more natural look i guess its because everyone is faked and bake now a days they want models to stand out;...

  8. I noticed it, too. I have naturally olive skin (that doesn't mean green skin, by the way) so I've never needed to use fake tan but I see the girls who wear it and they're so yellow, orange and streaky! Fake tan is no longer in "fashion." I think pale women should embrace their beautifully pale English Rose skin, not attempt to hide it underneath layers of orange fake tan.

  9. exactly - but it looks prette if its from its original tan-coloure -or how u ever call it-bronze!!!!

  10. It was NEVER in.

  11. yeah its because the goth trend is back in fashion and i have never seen a tanned goth lol. have you?

  12. i never did like tanned because its making people look tacky by the day just like leggings those are so tacky! i like to see white people natural because it s not there fault if they get pink easily and i haven't got anything against people with a natural skin complexion that looks tanned but you can tell when its unnatural! i saw this girl in my city centre the other day i was like ugh that's orange! but ive always loved peoples natural skin not tanned not lightened just natural

  13. i love pale.

    NEVER liked tan/orange. :)

  14. haha Yay! Cuz I'm Really Pale! Orange people are funny they look like carrots!

  15. yes i read a magazin couple of months back sayin that pale is the way forward this nicola from girls aloud

  16. yeh i noticed, its pale because tanned is out. its more english rose for the winter season:) have a look at elle magazine or the website and it'll explain:D

  17. No i haven't but that's interesting to know.

  18. You are absolutely right. Nataural is better : )


  19. yeah i have noticed that to but there is nothing wronge with being white and dark because thats how i am and its all natural tan. acually i have NEVER once in my life got a spray tan or got in a tanning bed.

  20. I still use fake tan because i love looking light i've been on holiday and it makes me look slimmer but i know where your coming from. I probably won't apply as much anymore. I suppose because its winter now too that being sun kissed looks a little silly.

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