
Ladies help me out with this??

by  |  earlier

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ok so i like this girl and we've been hanging out, and i'm getting the vibe that she likes me. the thing is that she has a reputation for being kind of a flirt, but she wants to have a movie night-alone. is this a sign that there's something more than just flirting or what? i appreciate your answers




  1. she might just be a s**t

  2. sounds kinda of like a s**t. But go for it, maybe things work out.

  3. Wanting to hang out with you one-on-one probably means that she likes you beyond just flirting. If she were flirting with you but not into you, she probably wouldn't go out of her way to spend time with you alone. She's probably into you. :)

  4. dude.

    she wants you!

    who cares about her reputation.

    people just like to say c**p..

    good luck!

  5. ask her is the only way to know for sure.

    don't be nervous, she seems like she is pretty outgoing so i don't think she will make it a big deal.

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