
Ladies - how physical would you get with someone you find unattractive?

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Some advice about female thinking please. My close female friend seems more physical than I would expect of a 'friend', yet never really outright sexual or clearly inviting, leaving me not really knowing how to react. Some examples; lots of hand holding, lingering hugs with her face in pressed into my neck not over my shoulder, head in my arms or on my bare chest while I nuzzle/kiss her hair, foot massages with leg caresses, fondling her bottom, and the other day briefly sucking my finger when I was stroking her face.

So, part of me thinks she's totally platonic and just humouring me as she knows I like her, but part of me thinks you don't behave like that with someone you find unattractive.




  1. I wouldn't do any of that stuff with somebody I deemed unattractive. So oohhh She likes you! She wants to Kiss you! She wants to Hug you! She wants to Loove you! :P Go get em tiger ;D

  2. Does she do that with everyone?

    Even if she doesn't, she may be doing that to you because you're "safe."

    What's her dating history like? If she has a history of short-lived flings, run!

  3. Go 4 it!!!!!!!!!! She is just covering it up if she says she doesn't think your attractive. Good Job!!!!!!!

  4. I would go as physical as possible with someone I would find unattractive. Sometimes it's VERY hard to show affection as a female or you never know they are really feeling.

  5. Women have vaginas - men have penises..... they are nice independently yet have a powerful purpose together.

    What the h**l are you doing?

    - More added to my details down below--

    It's funny when you hear models or just generally attractive girls (esp. the one's who really play up the sexuality) go about their days like it almost gives you the indication that they *didn't know* their tittes are falling out of their shirts and that men have sexual desires about that stuff. C'mon man, if there is one thing and one thing only that women understand belive me it is the profitability of SEXUALITY. Women know exactly how far they can get by leaving a brest hanging out. Or by wearing shorts 1/2 an inch above the butt cleavage.  OR by giving a hug and sucking on a guy's finger.

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