
Ladies: how would you feel if you lost custody of your children like Britney spears?

by Guest66010  |  earlier

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Ladies: how would you feel if you lost custody of your children like Britney spears?





  2. She didn't lose custody, she gave them up.  She still gets visitation.

    But, to answer - I would have taken on the world to get my kids back the FIRST time the court threatened to take them.  I would have done ANYTHING!!

    She didn't feel the same way .......

  3. I wouldn't lose my child/ren like her.. She clearly wasn

    t/isn't ready to be a mother.

  4. That's what I could never understand with that girl. I would be DEVASTATED. Why couldn't she get her act together sooner?? I really almost have to believe she is bipolar and unmedicated or something. Otherwise, I just can't imagine why why why.

    I'm not a *Britney hater.* I grew up watching Brit on Mickey Mouse and listening to her in my late teens and now that I'm older, it's a terrible thing to see. Her little babies are adorable. I'm really keeping out hope that she will get well and get her ducks in a row and maybe be a great mom, soon. Those little boys deserve a great mom- like any other kid.

  5. If you're doing exactly what Britney Spears is doing driving on a suspended license, partying like there's no tomorrow, etc....You don't deserve your children and if it was anyone else she would have been taken to jail for driving without a valid license. Personally I would have closed the case a long time ago and granted full custody to Kevin Federline.

  6. well since i'm not like britney spears i'm pretty sure that there's no chance i could ever lose my kids like that. and i really don't care about britney spears as her iq is apparently not very high anyway.

  7. If I understand correctly she did not lose custody, she gave up custody.  

    I would be devestated if for some reason I lost custody of my children.  I would die before just giving up!

  8. Hopefully I would recognize that there's something wrong in my lifestyle and try to fix it.

  9. Are we forgetting that it usually takes two to make a baby?!!? The father has just as much rights as the mother to his child. It should continue to be this way if we are to gain more fathers actively engaged in the lives of their offspring.

    Children do not belong to us. They are blessings and belong more to this world than anything else. We must remember this while we teach our children to fulfill their purpose in this world. We are not going to live forever. When women fight to gain full control, we all lose. We end up with fatherless families. Children need and want their parents.

    If my husband fought for custody of his children, I would most likely give him custody. Children have a way of changing the lives of those they encounter. I am full person without children and will continue to be. As long as my children have a chance to get to know me at some point in their lives, I would continue to live out my purpose in life.

  10. It would depend on the what happend to get hem talkin away.

    If you did something and you know it was wronge..then no you should let it have a better home.

    But if you didnt do anything wrong then  i would feel horrible if my kids got taken away from me.

  11. well my heart goes out to britney as its happend to me when i was young i lost all rights of my daughter and we all make mistakes but family and friends should help her and fight for her kids back as no one helpped me but the law dont help anyone in a bad crisits.And now my husband take off my 2nd daughter his 1st daughter hes muslim and im getting that way that muslim men who do this are really cold heart and evil

  12. Brittney needs help thats all Im going to say

  13. I wouldn't want it to happen but i wouldn't do what she did either, atleast i would never hope to go through such things in my life.  I think that by her agreeing to the custody agreement she showed that she loves her children and realizes that they will be best with living with their father.  Part of being a good parent is knowing when to be selfless and by giving him fullcustody i think she has shown she really does have the best interest of her boys at heart.  But I know as a mom I would never want to lose my boys.

  14. I would be completely devastated if I lost my son. But in HER case, no offense, her children need to be with someone stable..not her.

  15. I don't really know the situation with Brittney Spears and really don't care to know, but I know if I didn't have custody of my daughter I would have no reason to keep living. She's my life and joy.

  16. I'm guessing that if I had the same mind set as her then I wouldn't care otherwise I would have fought for my children.

    Me being "Jane" I think I would just die without having my kids. But Im me, and not Britney.

  17. There is a reason for a mother to lose custody of the children. That judge didn't just take the children away from her... he is a selfish wh*re who cant take care of herself let alone two little boys.

    I remember an interview with one of her employees - she said that Britney would take the boys to the studio and keep them all day there with no food or bottle... they diapers would be soaking!!!!

    I am glad she lost them!

    I think she is too!

    Now answering your question - If I was the mother and for some reason I lost custody of my son I would DIE!!!!! I cant even let him go to sleep over my in-laws with out miss him desperately.

  18. If I was like Britney Spears I would think it was warranted. No way can you compare a regular mother to Britney Spears, her own actions have gotten her where she is today.

  19. I have lost custody of my kids and believe me it is the worst possible pain a person can feel.I'm not an addict or have mental problems like Spears so i don't know how she feels, but for me every day is a struggle to keep fighting for them, knowing the CAS can manipulate the courts to make you give up.  The courts are very slow and they don't care about anything except who'll give them the most money.

  20. I dont know the whole situtation with her but I'd feel like a complete failure. Being a mother to your child is the most natural thing in the world, if you fail at that the most important thing in your life what good are you? Harsh I know but in my opinion you have to do what you must to make sure your children are safe happy and healthy, if someone told me they would be happier and healthier without me I'd crawl in a hole and die.

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