
Ladies i need your help planning a weekend getaway?

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Share please your wish list for such a getaway -- location, food, drink etc

All the things that you think will just make it that "WOW" weekend.

Have a few little gifts hidden already just need some more ideas.

Thanks in advance




  1. First off, it's good to know it have another side of you, (smile).

    Ok,here goes:

    Location: Depends on where you're from, if from Sando side Tradewinds is cool, if Town side, Marriott is great. At the Marriott, it's $877tt (dbl occ) for the weekend breakfast included (friday-sat or sat-sun) and if you want a room with a jacuzzi it's $2134 (dbl occ). You have the added bonus of Movietown right next door and you know there are at least 4 restaurants to choose from, movies etc.

    The "wow" factor: You could hide your gifts when she goes to the washroom or something all around the room and let her "discover them" and the rest of the "wow" is up to you my friend. Good luck.

  2. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm............................

    My ideal weekend getaway would be comprised of the following:-

    1.  Kids tucked away safely with Grandparents

    2.  A nice breezy guest house in Tobago or Toco with a great view of the beach and no distractions such as kids playing next door, baby crying at 4:00 am every morning, old men discussing politics outside my bedroom window, wacky guest house owner, etc

    3.  A few good novels (and no distractions when I'm reading them)

    4.  A husband at my beck and call (**take careful note at this**)  

    5.  Delicious and tasty food (so long as I doh have to cook it)  Some foods can even create a romantic setting - certain fruits, chocolates, wines, etc

    6.  Massages as I see fit!  Certainly not I'll massage you if you massage me kinda deal

    7.  A few good CD's

    8.  A few scented candles won't hurt!

    9.  Sticking to ideal Topics in conversations as well - not about food prices or Manning's trip!  Stick to Remember when we first met?  What made me attracted to you?  How do you see your future? etc

    10.  A camera for the memories you'll create

  3. Wow sounds nice!! Anyhow a nice bed and breakfast would be ideal and cozy. Make sure it's in a somewhat rural(but safe) area away from traffic and loud noises, close to the beach is always a plus. As far as food I would go with whatever your guest likes. I am sure you can take some of her favorite fruits or chocolate to where ever you are going also a nice bottle of her favorite adult beverage would be good to keep on hand. Scope out the area you are going to also, maybe there is a good restaurant she would like to try that is close. Whatever gifts you give her will make her happy because it's from you and you took time and effort to make her happy. Have fun!!!:0)

  4. Oh gosh...well im a nature my weekend getaway will have to be in the bush somewhere. I wish Tarzan would rent he house for this purpose!! LOL

    But seriously....I Imagine a lovely Villa that is surrounded by Fauna and the sound of running water from a nearby stream and waterfall. Mostly Isolated (not too much people around nah). (it have a place like this in Tobago..just don't remember the name).The food is also there must be a chef and kitchen on site. Ah must have a nice hammock and a good Sade CD to set meh ina de mood! We wearing mimimum clothes as possible. Massages, scented candles, oils, wines, chocolates, rose petals. The conversations are light, funny and just generally intimate as possible. (Is like you trying to discover the person all over first time). Lots of notes all over giving directions to hidden gifts like my favourite perfumes, books, undies. Even gifts that suggest what we're going to do next! Like a nice bikkini to suggest a dip in the pool or cool paire of shades for the long drive etc, an evening dress to wear for dinner...But most importantly ...just spending quality time with each other.

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