
Ladies, lets say your husband had an old ex-girlfriend who came back into town?

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This ex-girlfriend is now married and has a husband of her own. Her husband has some disorder that does not allow him to produce sperm and impregnate her. They desperately want children. She as come to request a sperm donation from your husband (who she is still close to in a plutonic way). She doesn't want a random sperm donation (since she can't have a baby with her husbands sperm, she wants it to be from somebody else she was close to). Would you be offended if he chose to give her his sperm? Do you feel you have a say in this matter or is it "his body fluids" and therefore "his choice"?




  1. MoniqueCurry

    An amazing testimony on a spell caster who brought my ex husband back to me..

    My Names is Monique Curry ,AM from United states .i never believed in love spells or magic until i met this spell caster once when i went to Africa in June last year on a business summit i meet a man called Dr ogboni, is powerful he could help you cast a spells to bring back my love s gone misbehaving lover looking for some one to love you bring back lost money and magic money spell or spell for a good job i m now happy & a living testimony cos the man i had wanted to marry left me 4weeks before our wedding and my life was upside down cos our relationship has been on for 3 year i really loved him, but his mother was against me and he had no good paying job so when i met this spell caster, i told him what happened and explained the situation of things to him at first i was undecided,skeptical and doubtful, but i just gave it a try and in 6 days when i returned to taxes my boyfriend (is now my husband ) he called me by himself and came to me apologizing that everything had been settled with his mom and family and he got a new job interview so we should get married i didn’t believe it cos the spell caster only asked for my name and my boyfriends name and all i wanted him to do well we are happily married now and we are expecting our little kid and my husband also got a new job and our lives became much better in case anyone needs the spell caster for some help his email address:

  2. Stranger things have happen, if both you and your husband are okay with it then do it but just remember it's both your choice cause both of you will have to live with it, also does your husband's ex-girlfriend want to borrow him for a night or rent a room with him cause he can just donate his sperm, if you and your husband decide it's okay he can also give her his sperm without having s*x with her, I had a similar experience but it was my wife's friend that wanted my sperm, we thought about it for awhile and then decided that it would create to many problems, talking about it always makes thing easier, talk it through completely and make a decision your both okay with.

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Latest activity: 10 years, 12 month(s) ago.
This question has 2 answers.


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