
Ladies may i have your opinion please?

by  |  earlier

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I cut my hair and im just a wee bit unsure about how i look with short hair. Let me know what ya think.




  1. I think you look hot and when you get use to it, you won't let it bother you as much.

    The color of your hair is awesome, you look just fine.

  2. It's a good haircut for you, but that shirt is just not ok. If you want girls to start liking you wear coler clothes than you'll stand out to girls  

  3. ha! love the face. You look adorable.

  4. You look very handsome!

    I love this picture, it is full of life and personality :)

    I don't know what your hair looked like before, but this is a good look for you.

  5. you look amazing! dont you worry about it at all! i dunno what you looked like in longer hair but short hair really agrees with you. you remind me of someone i think i saw in a movie. dont worry, though. he was a very cute someone. Megia! (thats what we Greeks say to someone who just cut his hair. its a wish that it will grant him joy)

  6. Smart and Sweet.

  7. your fine dont worry about it, it matches you.

  8. you have pretty eyes but you're hair and face is ugly

  9. You're cute! It's a good cut for your face shape.

    PS. I like your shirt.

  10. ur cute but flanel is a no no

  11. cutie=]

    dont worry=]

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