I am madly in love with my gf. When we met, i was on crutches, and really overweight. Since then i have lost over 100lbs and had a total knee and a hip replacement. She has always said I was handsome. So when my self esteem was building, from getting compliments that i was never ever used to. I dabbled on the internet not directly one on one but answering personals and sending out one of my new pix. It was a total ego boost and huge step for my self esteem, i would never cheat on this woman EVER, She is my soul-mate When i close my eyes,its her that i see. I thought her opinion was jaded on my looks, I know it was stupid and vain, but in a way it kinda made me feel better for her, like she really had something, I had been overweight and ridiculed my entire life, it was one way to wrap my head around my new appearance, nothing more. But of course she found out and I have lost her trust, her ex husband got caught having multiple partners he met on-line behind her back, So in her eyes, i am him again.