
Ladies quick question. Is he stalker or no?

by  |  earlier

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What would you do with a guy who your not really into but he's nice but weird. So I worked with this guy for a while and after he quit I gave him my number which taht was dumb but anyway he called twice and I didn't answer. Ive seen him around when we're like downtown but thats it. But one day he came into my work and acted like he was looking for his phone but he acted really weird and it was very uncomfortable, he talked to me like a stranger. I saw him a week later he came up and said hello and I just said hey and left. After calling me like that and coming in do you think he may be starting to stalk me or am I just being paranoid? Whats this guys deal?




  1. You should had never gave him your phone number and figure this out for yourself.  

  2. I think you are just beeing paranoid, but take extra precastions you never know!

  3. maybe its just nothing, but if anything else thats pretty extreme happens then ask again and tell us what he did this time

  4. Perhaps he likes you and is trying to find enough courage to ask you on a date.

  5. I apologize. My vision is really bad and sometimes I cannot recognize you.

  6. After calling you and being embarassed that you didn't respond it sounds to me like the incident at work was him just trying to play it cool and see if you would notice him. Maybe he feels like a dumbass, and wants to see how you will react when you see him (interested/or not). But I wouldn't label him stalker til he's waiting by your car or outside your house or something.

  7. I think maybe he just gets nervous when hes trying to talk to you because he likes you. Thus, he acts weird. I wouldn't sweat it too much. Just make sure you keep an eye out.  

  8. awwww.... he likes you...

  9. you are thinking about him a lot.... maybe give him a chance

  10. (I'm a it's simple). He likes you and doesn't have the social skills or nerves of steel to talk to you. He did what little young boys do when they are nervous. The only way he was able to approach you was with an indirect reason (his phone) which obviously he wasn't looking for. Do I think he's a stalker? No....

    Do I think he likes you and doesn't know how to say it without feeling like a loser? Yes....

    If you aren't into him, don't lead him on. Just be nice and tell him that you don't have interest in him. And it'll hurt his feelings, but as a guy....hey it happens!  

  11. You gave him your phone number, act like you're not interested and ignore his calls, and you call HIM weird?  No, he's not a stalker, just a sucker.

  12. I think he's into you, but you are acting a lil weird towards him. Like why would you give him your number but then not answer his calls. So now he feels awkward around you. He talked to you like a stranger because he got the message that you didn't want anything to do with him. Bottom line, you're being paranoid and you should at least be nice and friendly with the guy.  

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