
Ladies; restaurant bills,you pay or your partner?

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There are ladies who pay for a dinner out.But there're still 'gentlemen' who considered that it's embarressed to let his lady paying.




  1. well, considering that i am married, his money is still my money and vice versa so it really doesn't matter who pays.

  2. you ALWAYS let the guy pay... unless you are just freinds

  3. parterner

  4. it all depends on who asked who out. The asker pays because they invited the other party.

  5. I've been married for a while now and I usually pay.  My husband has one credit card that he does what he wants with.  I have all the other credit cards and I do the bills and handle all the money affairs (my husband works very hard all day, so he really doesn't have time to balance a checkbook).  So, since I know where all our money is, what credit cards have lower balances, etc.  I pay.  However, on special occasions (birthdays, anniversary), I did notice that he pays.

    It really isn't a big deal.  My husband is a gentleman and he's kind of "macho" too.  But the truth is that I control the money.

  6. I read a book on this called Man's book which I got for Christmas (obviously the book will not be about paying for diner but about life for a man in general) it said that a man should always pay for the diner and women only should contribute after a few dates where a relationship is established to avoid financial problems. It also said women paying for diner is a sign you are not interested, lucky you, you get a terrible date and have to pay for it.

    It suggests that Men only pay for women they fancy as it could get quite costly, and if you know the magic words that say shall we go dutch without saying in case you didn't notice I don't like you, please email it me.

    Men should also escort you home unless it is out of their way and could call you a taxi if they insists on paying.

    In France women never pay for lunch or diner.

  7. wha?? always let the man pay!

    I would be insulted if my date paid!

  8. I think the guy should pay inless youre just friends then split it!

  9. Paying for dinner does not make a man a gentleman.

    Based on some of the responses here it appears that some people have an issue with what it is to be a man/gentleman. Opening doors for a women is being a gentleman (actually holding the door open for people coming in behind is common courtesy). Who pays for dinner should be based on who made the offer. I am going on a date this weekend. It was my invitiation so I pay.

    I man who gets embarrassed because the woman paid is a sexist. This ain't the 50's anymore.

  10. I always volunteer money for at least my half.

  11. I have offered to pay on more than one occasion but he never let me. Very gentlemen of him!

  12. Partner.

  13. When me and The Hubby were dating, he did pay, mostly. He's an old-fashioned guy and a total gentleman. Every once in a while, I would pay, because I wanted him to know that I appreciated what he did for me. And it let him know that I could take of myelf and I wasn't with him as a meal ticket. We're married now, almost 18 years and all of our money goes into one big (small) pot.

  14. depends. now i have a 5 month old baby, and i stay home with him, so i have no income, so my husband pays for everything. but i paid for our first date. when i am working, all our finances go together to pay bills, once the bills are paid, we split the extra  money to do what we want with. if i know he bought or is going to buy something that is important to him that he needs/wants, (like an expensive electric razor) then i will pay if i had nothing i needed. i like to pay sometimes. it makes me feel like i really contribute to our relationship, and to let him know this isn't one sided where he has to do everything. he deserves to be taken out sometimes.

  15. depends on who has the right amount of money,, but its nice if the male can pay sometimes,, or u do double pay ,,u each pay for what you have eaten

  16. Call me old-fashioned, but I think the man should pay for the first couple of dates.  

    Around the third date, I think it's appropriate for the woman to offer to pay for something.  I would be turned off by I guy who wanted to split the bill initially, and peeved if he wanted to have me pay!  But when I feel it's my time to reciprocate, I would be creeped out by a guy who would not let me pay- then it becomes about power, and not the simple gesture it really is.

    Once you are dating (5+), if either of you are thinking so much about who is paying, the chemistry is suffering.

  17. The man has to pay up

  18. pay four your meals

  19. I think if the guy asked the girl out then he should pay, because he was the one who made the attempt to ask her out.  But if she asked him out, then maybe I would say its ok to pay, if the guy doesn't go for it first. lol

  20. It really depends on the situation - how long you have been together, who earns more, who asked who....

    If it's quite near the beginning of the relationship and the man has invited you out for dinner then I think he should pay.

    But the woman could always buy the drinks if they didn't want him to pay for everything.

  21. i believe that the man is to pay for his ladies' dinner. however i think if the two are married or just been together for a long period of time and they meet that comfort level, some know what im talking about, then there are times when its fine to buy your man dinner out. for instance if my b.f. gets paid after me and hes low on cash and I want to eat out, and I ask, then im payin. thats cuz I got the money and I asked, and I offered. but if he asks then HE pays! and if hes got the money then HE pays!

  22. I'd prefer for him to pay, but if not then we can always split it. Or if he forgot his wallet or something, then I'd pay for it.

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