
Ladies should I be concerned??

by  |  earlier

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okay let me start from the beginning. I have a 25 day cycle, ovulating on day 14. My last period was july 30th, my next period is supposed to start on the 24th, but I dont believe it will. I had unprotected s*x on the 6, 7, 8, 9, 15, 16, and 17 of this month. Since last monday ive been dizzy, motion sick, have had alot of cm that has subsided, and very tired. In the past 3 days my motion sickness has increased, im still bloated and very tired. I have been cramping on and off all day, they feel a little less intense than mild menstrual cramps.. but no spotting or anything.. How soon could i take an accurate pregnancy test? What do you think my chances of being pregnant are? And should i be concerned about the dull cramps?




  1. WOW! By what I've read you are probably pregnant!..Wait two weeks from today and take a test.

  2. There's a great chance you might be pregnant. You can take one as early as the day after you were supposed to start.But I've taken them a few days before my period was supposed to start and got a positive. Good Luck!

  3. My last period was july 26. my cycle is any where from 23 to 26 days. i'm not sure when i ovulated, but i just felt pregnant... i have for several days now. i took a test  (well 3 lol) on sunday night and all 3 came out positive!! even went to the doc today and she confirmed it. i am only a little past 3 weeks. it is definitely possible. we had s*x on the 9th and i would say you could try a test, but if you want accurate results wait till the first day of your missed period because not everyone test positive early!! GOOD LUCK


  5. You had a very high chance of getting pregnant. And those are pregnancy syptoms. Don't freak out yet though until you get a positive test. It could be something else.

    You can take an early response pregnancy test on the 22nd. It has to be that brand though. It detects the hormones sooner. If it comes out negative but you still feel pregnant wait till the day of your missed period and then take the test again. If you still have no period and still have those symptoms wait a few days after your missed period and take another test. You may also want to schedule a doctors appointment, they can do a blood test and get accurate results much sooner.

  6. Very high

  7. Your chances are pretty high.Good luck though, and i think you could take one now.:P

  8. ur probaly having a kid

  9. I think your chances of being pregnant are very positive.  From experience, your symptoms are very common.  You are suppose to take a pregnancy test a week after your expected period, but first response pregnancy test can detect hcg hormone in pregnant women very quickly.

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