
Ladies..what birth control methods are there besides condoms and the pill?

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I hate using condoms and she is not on the pill so what other methods are there for birth control.what has worked for you..thanks..




  1. Theres something called the female condom. Seriously though, birth control pills are the most effective.

  2. an aspirin held firmly between the knees.  lol

  3. Birth control is great but does not protect against STD's....there is no test for HPV in males...just thought I would drop that on you. Outside of condoms every other form of birth control puts the responsibility on the female for preventing pregnancy. Never can be sure about what a woman's agenda may be, if she wants a child and you don't, that kind of leaves you at her mercy.*x/birth-control/b...

    In addition to the ones listed on this link there is also an implantable rod called Implanon and the Depo Provera injection.

  4. Dont suggest Depo to her-it is also known as the shot. It fu.c.k.ed me up so bad and i still feel the effects after being off of it for a year and a half. i lost my s*x drive completely.

    Pills are awesome and she can get them without her parents knowing at planned parenthood.

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