
Ladies~ what do you believe men value about you the most in a marriage?

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What do you bring into your marriage that you believe is essential to making the marriage succeed? I realize that for there to be success, marriage is a 2 way street.

But for now please avoid providing details about what your husband brings to the relationship or what he should bring etc. That is for another question. Focus on just you. What I’m after is understanding what you believe to be essential attributes that your husband appreciates and values the most about you. What communication skills do you believe every wife should have?




  1. don't you think you should be asking the guys this question?  

    however, maybe you are trying to see what ladies think and compare it to what guys think.

    loyalty (you would never cheat, you would never gossip about him behind his back, you would never say disrespectful things or complain to anyone else about your husband)

    trust (he can count on you through the bad days and the good days, hard times and good times)

    honesty (you would never lie to him)

    trustworthy (this sounds like trust, but really it means always keeping his best interests in mind, like making sure he goes to his dr. appointments, helping manage the finances prudently and knowing that you "got his back")

    not jealous

    appearance (he should be proud or at least not embarrassed by your looks, you take care of your hygiene and hair and clothing)

    economical (you don't squander the family money, she tries to save and help work toward common financial goals)

    friendly (easy to talk to, socializes well with pretty much anyone, from kids, to her inlaws, to neighbors, coworkers, your boss and the busboy at the restaurant)

    non-judgmental & accepting (absolutely not racist or prejudicial, willing to keep an open mind at all times)

    kind (will help out if someone is in need)

    neat & tidy (takes good care of the home, your cars, your children)

    loving (has unending supply of non-judgmental love for you)

    forgiving (hey, you are a guy, you are going to mess up, so she has to be willing to forgive)

    passionate (cares deeply about those she loves and things she believes in)

    spiritual (has a belief system and moral integrity)

    caregiver (is a great mom to your children)

    good cook (well not necessary but it doesn't hurt)

    moral (holds herself to high moral standards, refuses to compromise on anything that goes against her moral values and beliefs)

    compassionate (cares about those less fortunate)

    giving (shares of herself and her possessions, believes in charity and giving "back")

    doesn't "keep score" (she may have grievances, but she's willing to move on without constantly reminding of past hurts)


    energetic (no couch potatoes here)

    exciting (willing to try new things, explore, learn and grow, not stagnant or boring)

    well informed (cares about our world and the people in it)

    i left out the physical stuff, since that's pretty obvious.  but that's the list, in no particular order of importance.  some women have 90% of the qualities or only 50% of the qualities.  depends on what you are looking for.

  2. I became a lot of things for my hubby (or just generally shared myself with him) but it turns out, seriously - - -he really wants me to be his walking talking s*x goddess. He wants my look to be a polished 10 everyday. Really.  

  3. He proved he wanted me. He chased after me from one state to another.  

  4. I have found that my marriage has survived because of my sincere heart, my willing to not give up. I feel that I complete my  husband. I became his second half. Our family is strong because he is the head and I am the neck. I support him. The most important part of me that I know he appreciates, the fact that I put God before him. My morals are well valued in our relationship.

  5. I think a wife who is able to talk to her husband about anything will be sucessful. Everything has to be a joint decision ie bills, kids,house,car,etc. Without sitting him down and talking about it it will never work out.  

  6. Let me get married, and I'll be the wife he expected me to be after seven years of knowing me.  Then I'll answer.

    One (or two) answerers gave a 1950's view of being a wife and I cringed.  One gave a Godly view and I aspired.  I'm somewhere in the middle, and I hope that (with LOVE BEING THE ANSWER) I'll be enough ;-)

    Beags, love your questions!

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