
Ladies ... what features of a man do you find to be s**y?

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What is it about the male physique that makes it attractive to a woman? What is it about the manly features that makes a man attractive? This came to mind when I was in Italy last week on vacation viewing the Statue of David.




  1. this mite sound weird...but realli like guys who got good muscle in their forearms and big hands....i realli thinks hot! it totally turns me on....

    and also hint of stubble lolzz and also the eyes

  2. good looking face

    not a stick!

    pritty good build but dont over do it

    hard worker


    gentle man


    confidence but dont over do it

    puts people b4 him

    thinks of other ppl who r "less" than him


    but i will tell u the truth...any girl who says i dont care about looks is LYING. even the sweetest of ppl look at looks too. im not saying u gotta b MR MACHO MAN but u gotta be some what good looking:)

  3. Eyes and hair x x x personality is more important

  4. Lol. I like their fore arms, as weird as that sounds. [:

    And big hands. I like men who have hands that look like they work on the farm a lot, of just work. Strong hands. [:

  5. big beautiful eye's, cute soft hair, an amazing jaw.

    And someone who's just sweet and funny.

    that's my kinda guy :)

  6. amazing face/bone structure. especially the maybe i'm just weird...

  7. uh confidence and being fun  

  8. My ideal man is a redneck, with workboots, pot belly, small man b***s, and facial hair.

  9. Facial features......

    and personality.

  10. dark hair, taller, strong jawline, stubble, bit of meat [no skinny boys please], without a sixpack but with nice strong arms, and slightly hairy.

    basically, i like manly men.

    but aslong as they make me laugh i can compromise.

  11. um well this might be weird..but i like guys arms like there forearms from their elbow down! if there arms look strong i like it

  12. I am really based on the personality. As long as they are funny, sweet, and fun to be around, I am happy.

  13. Based only on physical appearance, I like bright eyes, like blue or green.  A nice toned body is good too.  Like go play a sport or something.  And I'm kind of more attracted to darker complexions.

  14. great jaw structure and hair. ;)

  15. Well,my first impression of a guy is based on looks. The first thing I normally notice about a guy is his facial features, mainly his eyes and smile. Then, I notice his hair. Then body.

    After the physical attraction, I look for his personality.  I like him to be confident, sweet, and kind.


    Hope this helps.


  16. Shoulders



    Smile :D

    Neck (i don't know why though :s)

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