
Ladies what in your opinion would be the most important and single thing you expect from your man?

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In my quest for knowledge which i think is best gained from interaction from real people rather than some fat books for gender definitions and distinctions i will be asking questions on these lines.

Also to all dear respondents lets not throw jibes here but discuss.




  1. I would expect him to be honest as others have said, and I would expect him to be faithful till death truly do us part.  I would also expect him to stand up for me, because he's my man and I'm his woman.  Those are the qualities I need in my man.

  2. NO NO NO not honesty, you mean trustworthiness.  Honesty should be tempered with wisdom and diplomacy.

    "Do these pants make me look fat?"  you want wisdom here, NOT honesty.  

    the most important thing to me is Acceptance.  That I am not a model, that I have bad breath in the morning, and that I might run into some issue in my life that leaves me looking differently than I did when we first met.  That every time I'm in a bad mood it's not PMS nor is it necessarily something he's done.

    I accept that of him....

  3. honesty

  4. Respect, fidelity and unconditional love are equally important.  I give him the same.

  5. Honesty, understanding, love, intelligence(not a know-it-all).

  6. Compassionate fidelity!

  7. For me, I would want: a cross between honesty & family values, that to me equals real hubby material.

  8. Two things, not one. HONESTY and RESPECT are the two simple things a man needs to possess.  Hopefully, you can expect the same from her.

    Treat her with respect. She is not a child. Even though she may not know everything there is to know about your favorite subject does not mean she is stupid. She has intelligence in many other areas and probably a heck of a lot more common sense than you do. She has her own opinions. Just because she doesn't agree with you, doesn't mean she is disrespecting you or think you are stupid, her opinions are just different. Open your mind to opinions other than your own being correct.

    Honesty is far more important than many other things you bring to a relationship. If you say something, MEAN IT. If you make a promise, MEAN IT. Even if you give a compliment, MEAN IT. Insincerity can be spotted right away, whether she says so or not, and this will ruin a relationship fast.

    If she catches you in a lie or even a white lie, be man enought to accept responsibility for it and make amends.

  9. Love, respect, honesty - ok they are 3 things but all of the same importance.

    That's all men and women should require. Then it's up to their individuals to work out how they gel together, how they want to live their lives.

  10. I would expect him to love me for who I am.

    Love between us is the main thing that I would ask for.

  11. Having grown up with NO Love in my childhood. I would really just want LOVE that Is all I want. NOTHING more.

    If I am ever lucky enough to find the Man for me I would only ask that one thing. and He would know without a doubt that he was Loved by me and my Daughter.  and he would know just how lucky I would feel to have the right guy.

    EDIT: To the people who say MONEY. MONEY means NOTHING to me. I have my own money. is it so hard to think maybe just maybe a LOT of Women don't care about MONEY? and just want LOVE? is that so hard to believe?

  12. Honesty.....i dont know how long i could be with someone if i didnt feel i knew who they were i want to know the truth on s*x(if hes a faithful person or cheater),religion,politics,family,drugs and alcohol,

    criminal history,goals in life ect...i dont ever want someone to tell me what i want to hear, whether i get upset or not, i would rather know at the beginning of a relationship who they realy are..than 5 years later...

  13. Humor because when the goin get rough some one can take your mind off of it

  14. I expect from a man nothing more and nothing less than I expect from myself.

  15. I don't expect anything tbh. I just want a man who can be himself. I don't like to define my perfect man. I guess I want a man as strong as me who can challenge what I say. He must also be very passionate and have a high s*x drive. the most important thing though is that he should love me more than anything he knows and find me the most beautiful woman ever but not just be like submissive.

  16. See how many answered honesty here but if THEY were being honest they would say MONEY!

  17. The most important thing is love. All of the other things come along with love. If you love someone you're not only honest with them but you respect them, admire them, and remain faithful to them.

  18. Honesty, that's all.

  19. Honesty is most important to me.

  20. faithful and honest

  21. "I don't want no one to squeeze me...they might take away my life"

               --Tracy Chapman

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