
Ladies.... what is the best thing your man can do to say he is sorry?

by  |  earlier

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My long time GF and I have broke up in early and have been talking every since.... it has been a roller coaster of a summer..

We are both in college and spent the summer in 2 different places. Anyway, we will be back at school in a week and I finally got her to agree to have a dinner with me. She says she does not know if she has feelings for me anymore and I said take this dinner to please find out. We had dated for 7 months before this and were planning on getting married but the first 2 weeks of the summer i was unsupportive to her in her internship, i just missed her a lot and i know i messed up..... I need ideas on what to do ... she loves baseball.... i really want to win her back... ladies... what would just make your heart melt?




  1. Woman just want you to be honest and sincere.

    They don't want someone who's trying to find a way to say I'm sorry.

    Treat her with love and respect and remember that how you act speaks louder than what you say.

  2. Just admitting you were wrong would make a huge difference, tell her you realize how you acted and apologize for the wrongs you did.  Maybe you can surprise her with some baseball memorabilia or take her to a game.  

  3. What would melt me would be, if he would narrate back to me how he thought the things he did must have made me feel, and say how he understood that and felt so much remorse because he'd never hurt me on purpose. I don't care about the excuses - he missed me a lot, yeah whatever. I want to know that he has thought through how *I felt,* and thinks those feelings are justified, and knowing that I hurt, has hurt him, and that is why he is sorry. And he has learned that he is vulnerable to being inconsiderate when he is under stress, and hopes I understand that. Now, that'd be the kind of apology that a true lover would give, and I'd have to forgive him.

    Also, give the apology without any intention of winning her back. Give it in the spirit of setting her free, without worrying about whether or not she'll take you back. Because if she doesn't really want you back, then you ought not want her back anyhow. And women have very sensitive detectors for your seeming needy, which is unattractive. Be too proud to be ingratiating, but humble enough to take your lumps for your mistakes. Be yourself! If you've been together a long time, she's attached to you - time's on your side.

  4. be honest and tell her this, but have some self control.  don't grovel.  it will make you look like a wuss.  if she's not feeling you, then at least you know you did all you could.  you can't make someone fall in love with you.

  5. I agree with the first answer,you should also tell her how proud you are of her, and if you were in that situation you wouldn't have been able to do as well as she did.  Tell her you know that she was only thinking of your future while you were being immature and thinking about today and your uncontrollable urge to spend every minute with her.  also tell her that her maturity will be good for you when you are starting your career in the future.  let her know that you wish that you could possess the same kind of attitude that she has.

    good luck

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