
Ladies what would u consider a great relationship?

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Hello ladies, I been wit my lady for almost 5 yrs, we had our ups and down, but now the vision is clear that we wanna be together forever. So since that is known I want to know how can I keep her happy until death do us part. So to all of the ladies, i would like to know in ur own personal opinion what should I do to make things better than just good because she deserves the best, and describe what u believe a good relationship consists of thanks!!!




  1. 1.  Communication - open, honest communication.  Be willing to talk about the difficult things as well as the good things in your relationship.

    2.  Friendship - she should be your best friend, and vice versa.

    3.  Happiness - you should place her happiness above your own, and she should do the same.  If you both have each other's best interest at heart, you are watching each other's back.

    4.  Love - tell her you love her every day.

    5.  s*x - make sure you do what is necessary to keep and maintain a good physical relationship.  Stay healthy, watch your weight, think of how you look to her.

    6.  And finally, live each day like it's your last.  Do this for yourself and for her.  Don't leave this Earth, when it's your time to go, with any regrets.

    Good luck!

  2. To me a good relationship is when you're not only lovers but also best friends. 100% trust, respect and the ability not to argue like children, and be able to resolve things.

    When there are no mind-games and no complications, just happiness.

    Complete honesty and minimum jealousy are also good.

    And of course, putting each other first and being able to laugh together is always good. Communication and being open always make a relationship last, and making an effort for one another, like taking part in the others interests, supporting them and sacrificing things for them.

  3. My husband and I are the happiest couple i know =) he always goes out of his way every day to do something small to let me know he loves me, he supports me in EVERYTHING i do no matter what. We always discuss everything with each other and make sure that we never go to bed upset. before we do anything we ask ourselves how we would feel if the other one was doing it, we have a completely 50 50 relationship. We know that passion is something that has to be kept up over a long period of time when life gets in the way you sometimes have to try to thing to do is always be considerate and honest. keep the communication lines open and remember things are not supposed to be perfect but you can be perfect for her.

  4. The whole fairy tale love is overrated. So reality is that you will forever have your ups and downs. If you think your lady deserves the best then she has already found part of what will make her stay in love with you. If you keep that in mind you can easily find what it is that makes her happy. Different women like different things. For some it could be romantic dinners and good birthday gifts, while for others all it takes is knowing that the man you love loves you, respects you, and cherishes the moments you spend together. I find personally that for me all it takes to keep me happy is knowing that my husband thinks of me so often that after 3 years together he still calls me on his lunch break. I stay at home and he works but when he comes home and we finish dinner he still helps me with the dishes. Or the way he still gives me random kisses while when we are sitting down at a restaurant having dinner. So you know your lady a lot more than we do. Find out what it is that makes her happy and make sure that she knows how highly you think of her. As long as there is love, understanding, and communication you have the right tools to make it last forever.

  5. as long as you treat her the best you can you should have a great long relationship  

  6. trust, honesty, open communication, big shoulders to cry on and a strong (both physical & emotional) man to stand beside me...and a man that knows it ok to laugh and cry.

  7. Its the little things that you do for her.  Seriously, you can never go wrong with buying her favorite flowers or little surprises "just because", but it was also the little things like carrying in groceries, the cooler, etc, stopping by the market if I needed something on the way home, helping with the household chores, taking me on dates, or just a quick call or card to tell me that he was thinking of me.

    So many times we think wonderful thoughts in our heads about our special ones, but don't share them with your special someone.

  8. Be sensitive and don't worry its not a mission its life.

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