
Ladies what would you do if a girl wanted to beat you up at ?

by  |  earlier

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the club...shes twice as big and butt ugly well that has nothing to do with ..

we were together like sardines, waiting for the concert to start and there was no room for her to dance and kept pushing my friend and me with her big azz and body on purpose...

we wouldn't move she started showing the middle finger saying that after the concert we will get it , I honestly wanted her to make the first move but i was afraid for my friend shes so tiny and just got new b***s, so she couldn't get into anything physical..

i wanted to wait it out until the concert was over my adrenaline was boiling and my and anger was building..

but my friend pulled me away and my night was ruined..

any you think i should have stayed and hold my ground or walking away was the best thing to do, i hated walking away..




  1. I grew with males and learned how to fight. I'd of knocked her *** out.  

  2. let her. this way you show your not a coward and that it will make her look even more bad if you show up defensless.  nothing makes bully's or p*icks feel more terrible about themselves especially when they beat up someone who wont fight back because they dont believe in fighting or they're proving a point that fighting wont solve nothing

  3. Walking away is cool - the other person looks like an @ss and you get to keep your features intact.

  4. Good on you for walking away, your friend did the right thing!

    Don't worry, one day she'll back up on someone bigger than her and rapidly see the error of her ways.

  5. never ever run in a fight, just wait her 2 actually move on u and if she touches u with even a finger, smack her face out, it's called self defense and probably u will have less chances of going 2 jail when the cops arrive, oh and also have some witnesses

  6. I am not a tiny girl and I have been in quite a few fights, but I don't like fighting because I become a little insane.  I black out and do what ever.  I would of walked away, unless she approached me and put her hands on me or looked as if she was about to, then I wouldn't care, but as an adult to sit around and wait for someone to possibily do me bodily harm over an issue that is juvenille is stupid to me, I would of got in my car and left, with our without my friends advice.

  7. you are my hero lulu

    if only other girls had you courage

  8. Sometimes stupid women want to start trouble in general.

    Why would you want to be as stupid like her. You are above that. Fighting is high school and childish. She was acting like a bully and she was the one with the bad attitude.

    You did the right thing.  

  9. Unless you like acting immature like she did, otherwise walking away was best.  Did you go to this concert thinking you'd never run into anyone that was drunk, obnoxious, rude or anything like that? Grow up.And why is this question in marriage and divorce?

  10. I personally would have waited for this ***** outside! It's so frustrating having someone think that they can just put they're d**n hands on you. But if you walked away then you were a bigger person than me. Forget that girl, everyone gets what is coming to them sooner or later.

  11. The very best thing you could have done was to walk away. Please don't waste time on people like this, I think they just want attention and this is the only way they know to get it.

  12. So sorry Lulu

    The whole night out ruined. But you were right to walk away. A big fight would do nothing good for you.

    Ignoring bullies is not cowardice, it's the only dignified way to answer them

  13. As much as you hated it , you did the right thing honey. She ruined your night because she is an unattractive , overweight , jealous bully.

  14. walking away, why fight? some people can act so immature... you don't have to reduce yourself to her level

  15. You did exactly the right thing, ladies do not go around beating people up. All she did was show the people around her just what she is, a bully, and they are best ignored. Well done.

  16. the more mature person will walk away and let the big girl hate their beauty

  17. Oh, I'm sorry... grrr.. Don't you dislike it when you go out for a good time, and someone ruins it! Like you, I would have been angry, but I would have walked away.. no reason to spend the rest of the night in jail or at a hospital..  Just imagine how pathetic her life must be for her to behave like she's still in the 10th grade.  Haha.. next time just party with your YA friends.. it's a guaranteed good time! :)  

  18. Set your horns and pitchfork onto her. She'll be sorry for messing with the devil...

  19. you should have gored her fat sorry azz

    with you're gorgeous horns, you don't go

    clubbing again unless you take me with you,

    ,,,, dang, i never get to go anywhere :(

  20. tazer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  21. The best thing to do is just walk away. You'll be a better person. Plus you don' t want to go to jail. Trust me you don't.

    You down grade you by telling us that she's big and but ugly. She's probably jealous because your pretty and she's not. Or is it the other way around.

    If your afraid of you and she doesn't stop bothering you disappear for a month. Learn a defense or martial arts class I'd prefer jujitsu because all fights go to the ground and once you learn how to take this big and butt ugly girl down, it's all about ground and pound.

    Return and if you run into her again, and she still bothers you, Tell her leave or else. If she still mouths off. Pop her one. But don't take my advice this is what I did, and had all the reasons for that person who deserved getting it.

    But all in all you already won the fight if you did walk away.

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