
Ladies what would you do in this situation please???

by  |  earlier

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You get asked out by one of your mature students (you're both 30's) at the end of the course. You decline and the guy leaves it like that.

One year later you receive an email from the guy asking for you to act as a referee for some of his job applications.

Would you act as the referee? If not, why not?




  1. I agree with the first answerer; no relationship was established between the pair so it wouldn't be a biased reference. I think I'd do it, if I was satisfied I  wouldn't be influenced by the fact he liked me once. x

  2. I think he respected your decision to keep it on a professional level. That is why he did leave you alone and didn't  pursue  it further. Now he needs help from a  professional  person, and he thought of you . I would take that  as a compliment,and tell him yes. Byee

  3. I would give him a reference if he was a good student, I don't think him asking you out should come into it, because you didn't take him up on his offer.

  4. Go for it

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