
Ladies when going to a restaurant?

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do you like places that have the lobster alive ready for you to pick them before eating them?????? When was the last time you went to this tipe of restaurant???




  1. Yes, I do!  In Maine...all along the coast there are such restaurants and they are fabulous!

  2. no i dont like lobster!!!??

  3. Not a fan of lobster!

    ....but give me crab, crab crab yum yum yum yum...I can pick it out or they can don't care as long as its crab yum yum yum yum

    Forgive its almost lunch time!

  4. yes i do

  5. omg i think thats soo messed up...i do eat meat...but i couldnt kill an animal or pick from an alive place like that

  6. Yuck.  I think most women would shy away from that.  I go to restaurants like this frequently with the hubby, but I don't go for the lobster.  I feel like grabbing them all and running out with them.  It's like meeting your meal before you eat it.  Not cool.  I go for things that I'm not that familiar with.

  7. I rarely eat lobster and when I do I don't want to see him hanging out with his friends before he becomes dinner..  red lobster is the only restaurant I go to with the tank and I don't eat lobsters there..

  8. i would like to see the lobster alive this way i know there fresh.. but picking them is meaaannn.. a lobster is a lobster lol.. and the last time i went to that kinda resturant was abouttt 4-5 years ago. i live in a small town.. nothing fancy like that around here yay! go redneck women!!!

  9. I'm visualizing Red Lobster, I like fine dining, therefore, I don't see this.

  10. No - I wouldn't like this. Picking my dinner from a fish tank would make me feel uncomfortable.

  11. Actually, that is how I prefer to eat mine!  I usually request them to show me their selection so I can choose one!  Call me sadistic, but it was something I started when I was little!

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