
Ladies who are TTC...which is more devastating?

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...getting your period or getting a negative pregnancy test? I am 2 days late but keep putting off taking a test for fear that it'll be negative. I know it would tell me for sure right now but the "wait and see" option seems a little less brutal than a negative test. Although, I could be pregnant right now and not know either, which is a drawback of NOT taking the test. ...Which is more devastating for you?




  1. I prefer the negative test as a prepatory to seeing that AF has come.  If it's a negative I expect AF with the possibility that MAYBE I just tested too early but then nothing is too much of a surprise.

  2. Both.... But U 2 days late,  try HPT...wishing U luck and baby dust!!!

  3. take a test.  the longer you wait the more you get your hopes up and then it hurts worse

  4. I HATE negative tests!

  5. I would have to say being told u cant have a child natraly!! althogh AF always sucks!!!!

  6. Negative tests suck!!!  

  7. I would take the test. You are going to torture yourself every day and every minute and continue to build your hopes up.

  8. I know the feeling, either way you are thinking negative, right???? Just stay postive, easy said than trying..  Believe me I am in the same boat you are in.  I want to take a test but i just rather not know because it has been negaitve for the last 12 months when a few times i really thought we did it.  I guess now since i am thinking i am not and I may be....  I will know Monday if nothing happens by then..

  9. take a test in a couple of days so its less likely to be a false neg... if its negative you cant do anything but start again=) try pinpoint your ovulation by checking your mucus changes or use an ovulation predictor test around yor fertile days.. stay positive theres alot to be said for it.. and if its positive AWESOME!! Good luck my dear lots of baby dust!!! look at its kinda inspiring  

  10. Getting a period.  My hubby is 29.  I'm 21.  I took a pregnancy test December 18th 2006 and it came back negative.  Then at 20, I thought that I was pregnant because my period was late by a week, so we called my mother in law again(We'd called her before one time), to tell her she would finally have a grandson from my hubby, but then I got my period that same day.  It pissed me off, and made me realize that I just waited another month hoping.   I even made my hubby by me a bunch of healthy food that you have to eat when your pregnant, and I got my period later that night.  I was so depressed because all I want is to be a mommy and I can't even do that right.  I don't take any pregnancy tests because I just know it's a waste of money.  I'll just get my period anyway.  I get really depressed and cry all day when I get my period.  I hate being infertile.  I even had a habit of talking to the non existent baby when my husband was out at school(I'm a housewife), and my husband even talked to "It" as well, but sadly I was never pregnant. I was just hoping I was.  I feel like an idiot for talking to a baby that was never inside me to begin with.  

  11. I'm expecting now, but when we were ttc getting the negative pregnancy test was the worse for me. It would give us a sense of excitement and hope, just to be let down. At least with your period, you kind of expect it, but when you are late, there should be a reason for it -- like a baby growing inside you!!

    Good luck!

  12. Being late and getting a Negative is by far more devastating then AF turning up, as at least if AF turns up that means you are that you know you aren't far away from TTC again with new cycle. But if AF continues to be late and negative HPT's, that just tears me apart with possible false hope that I am pregnant when I'm not and means I can't try again with new cycle until AF arrives.

    lol I can't do the wait and see thing, if I am late I am going to test lol (d**n POAS addict I am lol)

  13. Both..I have PCOS and being treated by a RE. What hurted the most is when I thought I  was pregnant as I did not had a period for 6 weeks. when I took that pregnancy test and it came up negative,My hopes just went out the window.

    What made it awful when I did not had a period I had to chemically induce myself to have a period(provera) which is not pleasant to some who has to take the medicine.

    It's been over 2 years my husband and I are trying to have a child.Now I am up to the shot. I will be going in for a follicle checkup and to get poked by a needle. I am not looking foward to it,but i will do it if it means a baby.

  14. Personally... getting a negative hurts worse... I just stopped testing all together and wait for my period to show up but pray that it doesn't. I know that doesn't really help much but it's how i get by. In the meantime I try to take care of myself so that if I AM pregnant I don't have to worry about anything I might have done that could harm the baby.  

  15. For me it was getting the negatives...the period i wasnt so much worried about when lots of women said they came on their period for the first couple months or even throughout their whole pregnancy!! It was still disappointing though don't get me wrong...I am goin through this right now..I am having the symptoms but Im scared to take a missed period then it came way to early. N-e-wayz if you are trying to conceive..GOOD LUCK!

  16. To me getting a negative is worse, just because you are expecting your period so its less devastating than getting an unwanted BFN!!!! good luck..just some future advice if you think you are preggo set a date and countdown to when you want to take a test and dont even go buy a HPT till the night before so your not tempted this is what i have to do!!!! set the date a few days after AF should arrive!  

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