
Ladies who have been or are pregnant...?

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did u get stretch marks?where did they come up & when?did they fade?

*just curious*




  1. I thought I was getting away with out getting them.  I was really happy and proud to show off my huge fat belly...until after the birth.  WTH!?  After my son came out, that is when I saw my new purple friends, just on the bottom of my tummy, just about an inch below my belly button.  

    My son is now 5.5 months old and I guess they are not that bad.  I always feel better when I have a bit of tan, it seems to "blend" better.  I also have a c-section scar that would rival the stretch marks any  good luck with yours, don't worry too much, they will fade.

  2. It depends on your body type and your skins elasticity. I have stretch marks on my stomach, but some people get them on their sides and back. Sometimes they fade, but sometimes you need a little help! I am currently using BioOil in a hope that they will fade!  

  3. Well, Im no stranger to stretch marks. And I didn't even have to be pregnant to get most of the ones I have. Ive got mine on my butt, hips, thighs. And I think that they will stay red for about 6months to a year then they will fade to white and you won't be able to notice them as much. Coca butter won't prevent stretch marks but its good to keep your skin moisturized though. Now that Im almost 4 months pregnant Ive started to get a small stretch mark on my belly and I was hoping that I wouldn't get any there, but they are worth it for the little bundle of joy will have in the end. But they will eventually fade, you will be able to still feel them and see where they were but they wont be a bright red. ANd when you lose your baby weight they will shrink a little with your skin. I heard retinol A was a good cream for them, but its not recommended for a pregnant women. But you may try it later on. And by some vitamin E oil to, that will keep them mosturized as well. But as for preventing them, there is nothing you can really do. Your skin is stretching at a faster rate than it can grow right now with the baby growing so fast, and therefore its tearing and stretching to accomodate..

  4. I got stretch marks on the lower abdomen, inner thigh, and b*****s.  I used coco butter and it improved quite a bit.  They also really lightened almost to the point were you can't see them in between pregnancies.  Just use lots of lotion and that will help things.  

  5. Oh YES!!!!!!  I got stretch marks with my first son, everyone said keep lotion on and I did that but still got them so just gave up on the lotion.  

    I have them:

    From pubic bone to right above my belly button.

    On my hips

    On my "love handles"  :(

    On my breast

    AND on the front of my legs(where you legs meet your "girly" area)

    They were very red and purple right after I had my son but have faded alot.  I also have 2 kids so I can't tell you which were caused by which child.  I HATE them!!!

  6. with my first pregnancy I got them on my b*****s right away. between weeks 8-12 I went from a B to a large D...

    never got them on my tummy, but I delivered at 31 weeks, so was never really huge. I am hoping to avoid stretch marks this pregnancy too.

    they faded, but still looked like c**p...

  7. uhhhg yes ,... i didnt have any before and now my lower belly is covered in dark streachmarks i have been told they fade out once the baby isnt streching out your skin sooo much ... and I hope that I will get rid of at least 90% with a tummy tuck ... :) Good luck '

    BTW cocoa butter DOESNT HELP!!!! but I have been advised to use Vitamine E ... You can get the pills at Walgreens but you dont take them instead you cut them and rub the liquid on the strechmarks ... its really sticky and smells like vitamins but they are supposed to help to fade them ...

  8. I am currently 7 months pregnant and only have stretch marks on my legs and butt. I had them there even before I got pregnant, but they had started to fade. Now they are back with a vengeance! I am using Cocoa Butter, but I have heard that Nivea lotion works very well. I have just been to lazy to go to the store and get some.

  9. Hi,

    I used to have pretty bad stretch marks and red scars around my belly region ever since I gave birth to my three kids.I had tried Vitamin E oil and cocoa butter which a number of people had recommended but unfortunately it didn't seem to work too well. My Doctor had even suggested that I go for a Tummy Tuck. I then recently read an article about a lady who supposedly got rid of her stretch marks using a particular cream. I tried it and it worked really well. It took a number of weeks but my stretch marks soon faded away. You can read the lady's article at the link below.

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