
Ladies would you be mad at your boyfriend if he wont have s*x with you unless you take the pill ?

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By the way he's using a condom.




  1. If I didn't want to take the pill and having s*x was that important to me, and if he was steadfast on this condition, then I guess I'd just break up with him and get a different boyfriend.

    No form of birth control is 100% effective, so it doesn't matter if condoms are used whereas birth control itself is concerned, because there is still a chance of pregnancy. Trying to pretend that there isn't and that you are safe from that happening is nonsensical. So he has a right to feel that something more should be done to prevent a possibility of pregnancy if he wants to. And you have the right not to. But how the two of you guard against pregnancy should be something the two of you are on the same page on.

  2. Whoa.

    Some of these 'Yes' answers are a trip.

    EDIT: And the person giving 'thumbs down' to everyone should get together with "Get Married First Brett." I'm sure they'd make a WONDERFUL couple.

  3. i would be kinda mad. but the guy doesnt want the girl to get pregnant which is a good thing. butt also, if the ggirl does get preganant the guy should still stick by her side! .. but it is also kindof rude to say im not having s*x with you cuz your not on the pill.  you can still you condomss :)  

  4. No and I don't blame him one bit!  He's making sure he doesn't father a child and there are to many girls now days that want to hook a guy into paying child support for a kid when they have no intentions on letting he be a Father to it!  Only he can truly protect himself!  He's one smart guy!

  5. yes actually because a condom is very effective when used properly and the pill makes some girls bodies go haywire

  6. No, that's actually pretty reasonable for the crappy US economy.

  7. No. It sounds to me like he is just being responsible and I wish that there were more men out there like that. He is not ready for a kid and he is taking every caution that he can to prevent that and you should respect him more for that and not be mad.  

  8. no i wouldnt...

    put yourself in his shoes....

    condom splits.... u cld be pregnant... hes a daddy!

    it sounds a bit extreme to think of in them circumstances...but 10 minutes of pleaure versus a lifetime of a child......uhh i kno what id pick! :)

    be safe and sensible!


  9. If i was all hot and bothered and nothing came of it- h**l yeah i'd be pissed! but that does show he's trying to be responsible- which is never a bad thing! have you considered it? if taking a pill everyday isn't something you're too keen on, there are plenty of other options out there like the shot an whatnot. i personally use the ring and love it! don't have to worry about a pill every day and you truly have to be an idiot to mess it up!

  10. You shouldn't be mad because, your boyfriend probably just wants to be on the legal and safe side. You see, because you're boyfriend probably doesn't want you to have a baby before you two are married. Keep taking the pill until he asks you to marry him. I'm sure he will!

  11. Mmmmm......"mad" isn't the right word. Contraception is VERY SERIOUS, and something that has to be discussed beforehand, and that BOTH parties agree to and feel comfortable with.

    With so many options on the market today, it isn't unreasonable for the woman to NOT want to take the pill. But it also isn't unreasonable for the man to want additional contraception in conjuction with using the condom, since nothing (not even the pill) is 100% effective.

    I would suggest BOTH of you read as much literature as you can get your hands on about as many different contraception methods as you can possibly find. Ask your gynocologist for a list to get you started.

    Let your BOYFRIEND read and understand the RISKS involved with the various contraceptives before he judges you.

    If he really, really wants to be safe - LET HIM GET A VASECTOMY.

  12. Since you added he's using a condom, No-it sounds like he's being very careful, which is very rare. He protects himself and protects you, you should also do your fairshare and use prevention, if you can't take the pill, there are many other methods, but I wouldn't be mad at him. Good for him.

  13. Yes because no one has a right to force you to take medication especialyl someone that loves you. The pill has unwanted side effects so shouldn't be taken without fully weigihing up the pros and cons and you should only do it because you want to.

  14. Yes and No

    Yes because,

    I'd be mad because were using a condom and maybe I don't wanna go on the pill.And if I did I'd have to wait a few days till I got the pills and I'd probably wanna be intimate sooner than that.

    No because

    I'd respect his decision like I'd want him to respect mine.And I'd appreciate  that he actually cares enough not to have s*x with me than to not care at all, you know? Plus with my luck the condom would break and I get pregnant that very time lol......well not that funny

    But hey there are other birth control options out there besides condoms and the pill, you should look into some of them I'm sure there is one that is right for you.


    IF YOU HAVE s*x THERE IS ALWAYS A CHANCE YOU CAN BECOME PREGNANT!  NO BIRTH CONTROL IS 100%   therefore there is still a chance you can become pregnant.

    Cut him some slack. I don't know where you two stand, but if I were you(between you and me) I'd say he's a long time keeper. If your not already think about getting serious. He sound mature, respectful and like he's got his head on straight. You should see some of the a*sholes I've come across!

    Well good luck.

  15. Sorry, that's my rules too.  A kid would destroy my life and I'm sure I would always resent it.  So, it's best for me, her and any possible kid to take all available precautions.

    BTW:  Patrois-that's only the rules if you want to have s*x with me.  If you don't want to, you don't have to.  I understand that birth control alters a woman's body.  I wear a condom, but that's not enough assurance for me.  Also, the reason more men don't assume responsibility for birth control is; women don't trust their using it anyway so why bother?  Also, it is ludicrous to say that a vasectomy is on the same level as the pill.  Any doctor will tell you that a vasectomy is not guaranteed reversible.  They say if you get one assume that it is permanent.  Whereas a woman can just stop taking the pill.  A month later she's fine.

  16. No I would respect his decision. There are women in this planet that will get themselves pregnant to keep a man. Unfortunate but true

  17. you are one of the few lucky women that have responsible boyfriends.

    its not a bad thing.  there are guys out there that refuse to use condoms/etc and end up getting the girl pregnant.

    taking the pill and using a condom is just an extra layer of protection.

  18. nope...especially if I didn't want to get pregnant..maybe he's not ready for a child. Using a condom doesn't prevent 100% of pregnancies.

  19. At first glance, especially as a nurse, it seems extremely prudent if a man insists on female contraceptive use.  At least he is attempting to be responsible about his reproductive activities.  Or, is he?  Actually, isn't he demanding that the female assumes that responsibility, that the female assume the burden of purchasing the birth control pill, pay for all the doctor's appointments, remember to take the pill every day, and bear the health risks of chemically altering HER body, such as stroke, so that HIS sperm can go about it's business without chemical alterations to his body?

    A big problem already with the upcoming male birth control pill, per research, is that many men refuse to consider using it because, gasp, it alters their hormones.  Another problem, quite realistic, is that only 2% of women say they would trust a man to responsibly take the pill every day per schedule.  A few non-hormonal male birth control "pills" / patches, etc. are on the way.  I believe, though, that requiring sexual partners or choosing only sexual partners who have had a vasectomy is a better requirement from women of men, to be realistic and prudent about not getting pregnant before marriage and certainly before a woman achieves self-sufficiency enough to support a child.

    More men need to get vasectomies rather than women need to be on dangerous hormonal altering drugs, it's less expensive in the long run, and medical science needs to work on more effective procedures for reversible vasectomies.  From a "what's best for society" perspective, a woman can get pregnant and have one baby approximately once a year.  But, one man could impregnant hundreds of women in the same time period.  We need to consider sperm banking and then vasectomy more seriously as a birth control method.

  20. I agree with the first poster...responsiblity you should never take lightly.  You should thank him that he is thinking and taking action of being overly cautious.  Pregnancy you should never take lightly.  Guys usually don't take the time to take those added precautions so you should be happy that you are with a responsible man.

  21. No. I would be happy that he has a brain in his head. Since contraception has a failure rate, doubling up on it makes sense.  

  22. No. If you don't like the way he acts drop him and find someone else.  Sounds like he is trying to be responsible.  The pill is one of the most effective methods of birth control available.  

  23. no, i'd probably be grateful i have such a caring boyfriend who wants to make absolute sure we don't get pregnant and have to go through that .

  24. No, sounds like an amazing boyfriend to me. (: He's just trying to help the both of you. You shouldn't have s*x before you're married unless you're using a condom & birth control.

  25. No. Thats just being responsible.  

  26. Somewhat. You can look at the situation two ways. 1- He is just being careful and responsible, because he's not ready for a baby. Or 2- He's not serious about your relationship and doesn't want there to be any chance what-so-ever that he will have to be. (a child). Since I'm really parenoid I'd take it as he didn't love me or take me seriously enough to bare his child. But as I said.. I am overly emotional when it comes to guys and always take things the wrong way. He could just really not be ready for a child.

  27. I don't take the pill for both health and moral reasons, so yes I'd be annoyed if he didn't respect my beliefs and my body. If he doesn't want a baby that badly, he should keep his pants on. But I wouldn't be having s*x with someone who wasn't ready to have children anyway; it's best to talk about things like this before you start having s*x so you both know where you stand.

  28. No I would be glad that he wants to be as responsible as possible.

  29. I would not be mad but I would go ahead and take the pill, but do it for you not for him and make sure he knows that. You can never be too safe. Make him still wear a condom too!

  30. lolz nope..I would actaully be very happy he wants me to take it....I would congrat him on more s*x than ever on that note...but then again it's like telling me what to do which is a big NO NO..sooo idk I would be proud of my baby that he is being responsible but he should also respect I am the one taking it and having the risk of the ''side effects'' take an effect on my body..so000 that means he should kindof ease it out that he doesn't want kids....or summin or that he just wants us to be safe ya know XD

  31. well im still a v but no cause he isnt ready to have a kid and he wants to be protected in case the condom breaks.

    please answer mine;...

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