
Ladies...would you come to this hen party if it included,,,?

by  |  earlier

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a buff hot butler with only a apron to cover his...ahem you know

a ann summer rep to insure a wild time was to be had with lots of games

lots of nasty nibbles to snack on

and all you had to do was being some booze with you?




  1. sounds like fun is that an invite?

  2. all depended on who all was invited, i would only go if the majority of the age group was of the same age group i am in... Too weird going to something like that with either your child or you mother...  

  3. lol i wondered what the nasty nibbles were,, ok, i will come anyway. but i want my own butler.  

  4. YEAH! which girl wouldnt? lol

    Ann summers do some amazing things, the fun hen night games and everything..Wooop :) xx

  5. you would have to make sure that the male butler/stripper lol wasnt present in the house when the ann summers rep was there as she could lose her job over it, ann summers reps are not allowed to show the gear if there are any men present for obvious reasons girls! and if the booze is going to be flowing even more so! so I would check out how ur going to manage to plan the night out ann summers rep first? get you all in the mood then the nude or semi nude butler comes in after she is gone and supplys the drinks? god help the guy lol he may have taken on more than he bargained! have a great hen night!

  6. no i wouldnt go. i have all the man i  need at home. i dont need a naked buttler, if i wanted that i would get an outfit for my hubby to wear and have fun at home. also i wouldnt want my man to go see naked girls. so its really not fair

  7. oh yeah!

  8. h**l yeah! sounds brill, i'll bring the Vodka & Diet coke!

  9. Sounds fun to me! Ill bring the malibu and juice!

  10. I would go to support my friend but I wouldn't really fancy it to be honest!  I'm maybe too prudish!  I just find it all a bit distasteful and cheap and nasty.  But, that's not to say I would let my views be known to my friend.  I've been to Ann Summer's parties etc. before and I was the one who was volunteering for all the games as you've got to get the party going once you are there!  

  11. NO - sounds crass & quite frankly immature

  12. yep like a shot, sounds a right laugh, would bring me lambrini!

  13. No.  Then again I don't really go for wild and crazy.  I've never understood why it seemed ok for men to have last flings at their bach party.  The week before that would have been called cheating and she would have dumped you for it.  But now it's a "party" and that makes it ok?

    Watching some poor servant walk around in an apron while nude doesn't appeal to me at all.  And some Ann Summer rep who we don't know who just wants everyone to act trashy?  No amount of good booze would make that sound any better.

    I'd much rather do something social with my friends.

  14. sorry but i wouldn't attend. i have more class then that. i am not interested in watching a guy walk around in a little apron-if i want to see that i can go home and ask my hubby.

    i also have respect for the ppl getting married. and i'm sure most people don't like their 'fiance' going to watch a naked person prance around.. not appeling at all to me!

  15. Like a shot, and I don't usually drink booze!

  16. No definitely not, its not my idea of fun - sorry if I sound a bit boring but I dont go in for all that kinda stuff.

    Dont get me wrong, an Ann Summers party with all your girly friends can be a riot but as for the naked man thing ? nah I would rather look at my mans butt than anyone elses.

    good luck whatever you decide to do.

  17. Oh yeah.  Where and when is the party going to be? LOL  I'll bring all the boos.

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