
Ladies would you ever go..................?

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shark fishing ?? I am taking my lady this year with me to Florida where she will get to see bull sharks and other sharks.




  1. i would but i would let them go again.

  2. i wouldn't go shark fishing, simply because too many people think sharks are evil and want to kill them so i don't wanna contribute to harming those amazing creatures.

  3. That would be sooo much fun!  If she's a girlie-girl, then I don't know if she would like it, but if she likes the outdoors and stuff like that, then I think she would find it very fun.  Good luck!

  4. Well I would! But I love being outside and out on the water and work in the marine industry.

    If she wants to go, make sure she knows what she's in for; being out on the water ALL DAY, in the heat, in the sun..if she thinks she'd be into it,  thats awesome.

  5. h**l yes!lol....but ive been brought up fishing, my family's pretty into it. But just don't pressure her into doing anything or seeing anything she doesn't want to as  it can be pretty intense seeing people fishing for the first time.....I took a friend once and she got upset because we were 'killing' things. Oops....:)

  6. OH YES, I would.  fishing is my passion.

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