
Ladies would you prefer a virgin Husband?

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Yea I thought I just give you ladies a chance to answer something like that question about virgin wives.

Also if a guy has had s*x with 20 women would you still want to marry him? How many women is to many?

Should be interesting.




  1. It would be my preference that he had as few sexual encounters as possible. But I wouldn't reject him on those grounds.

  2. I don't care. At my age, it would be weird to find one. :) (36)

    I know men who've had that many or more, and most of them have actually been with a married woman at least once.

    As long as I know he loves me, he's good to me and he's clean (disease free), I would marry him.

  3. It wouldn't factor in my decision. Whether he has had s*x with no women or 50 women will make very little difference to the relationship overall.

  4. No, if you'll pardon my candidness, I prefer experience. Let me clarify that. I wouldn't want a man that had a sexual history as long as my arm, either.

    No diseases and some previous relationships is realistic.

  5. I'm afraid that I do have double standards about this and I'm not proud. I hate to think my  partner has slept with other people even though I know I have. A virgin would be ideal for me..but I know life doesn't work like that...

    I wish me and my fella could just wash the past away.

  6. yeah . but that probably isn't possible..

    i mean cause then i'd know that we're both inexperienced and our first time would be very meaningful, ya know?

    if a guy had s*x with 20 women i might.. might not marry him. it all really depends on who the guy is and what he is like

  7. No....they need to know what they are doing! and past is the past so weather its 0 or 20 who cares. just as long as he doesnt cheat.

  8. I honestly wouldn't give a d**n, and anyone who requires a virgin spouse when he isn't a virgin really needs a reality check.

  9. Well, I wasn't a virgin myself so it would have been highly unreasonable of me to demand a virgin husband.  i don't know how many men my husband had slept with before me, it never occured to me to ask.

  10. yuck that is disgusting...

  11. It depends how old you are.  A virgin husband would be great if I was under 20.  After that I think more than 4 girls a year would be a bit much.  You would think that at some time they would have been in a relationship, and not just sleeping around all their lives.

  12. Hmm, I'm still a virgin & intend on waiting until I'm married (I'm 20) & would like to marry a virgin husband but if that's not the case then I'll be fine, as long as he isn't a "man-ho" lol.

  13. I was just happy that he didn't have any STDs to share with me.  That's nice.  :-)  

    But virginity was never a big deal to me either way.

  14. I wouldn't care if he was not a virgin. But having slept with 20 women is a no for me. But I am a virgin and I really don't know what it is about that when I tell people I am they don't believe me. Just because I am 21 and still a virgin is not hard to believe.

  15. If I ever do decide to get married, it will be to someone I love deeply. If I love someone deeply, it will be the person I love, not his sexual history or lack thereof.

  16. h**l yeah I want a virgin.

    If he was molested as a kid or something I guess I'd let that slide

  17. It's an incredibly romantic and energising experience to know that you, only you out of the billions of people in the world have been that intimate with someone.

    We personally believe in no s*x before love. Although that wouldn't mean that I would reject someone just because they wernt a virgin.

    I'd say it's just an extra special thing, a real nugget of gold if you can be with someone who only you and him are intimate together.

  18. Virginity is irrelevant to me.

    As far as sleeping with 20 women, he has to be STD-free and willing to get tested with me to show me proof.

    How many is too many?  I never thought about that and I honestly don't know, b/c I don't care too much about that.  

    There are other things that I value more, like a strong connection between me and him, someone who understands me, etc.

  19. won't take too much time to think about this, but i wouldn't want a virgin husband. i don't wannna teach him everything. like, every little thing.

    i've taken a guys virginity once (we were really good friends) and it was stupid. i made him feel great about himself (d**n men and their egos) but he got soft (and i know that wasn't MY fault) and he was all weirded out and stressed. i was like ugh.

    so no. h**l no. i want s*x with my hubby to be fun and s**y and enjoyable.

    but too many? like 50. gross, but honestly what happened before me is before me. as long as he's std and hiv free and committed to me, why should i worry?

    i guess i did think about htis didn't i ? lol

  20. Hey fro what's up..

    I just answered that other question and I think I saw you on there. To answer your question for tonight:

    I would prefer a virgin  yes. Why would I give someone something that can't ever be taken back? (I'm a virgin) I feel as though it won't feel as 'special' for him as it will for me, being that it will be my first time and not his. And you know, just the VERY thought of him being intimate with someone else before me just hurts. I know we all can't change the past, we just have to learn and accept things for what they are. The current relationship I'm in, he isn't a virgin. We both love each other very much and it was tough, but we talked things out and he's willing to wait for me until marriage. It was hard to accept this at the beginning, but after some time, our feelings and love for each other grew stronger, and that overpowered all the negativity I felt at the beginning.

    Have a good night :)

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